Series: Spiritual Harvesting

"Spiritual Harvesting"

February 20, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Joel 2:12-30

Text: Joel 2:12-30, Ps 1:1-6

Title: “Spiritual Harvesting!”, “Get Into/Stay In Position!”


We have been placed on notice. God intends to reward those who will seek his face both spiritually, and naturally.


The question is: Do you want to be one of those that receives a blessing(s) from God? If so, what are you willing to do/sacrifice to get it?


Sowing is, in fact, the tilling or ploughing of the soil, which is necessary to produce the best soil for planting seeds!

This represents the spiritual process of humbling oneself before God and moving into position so that God can remove the obstacles which deter or defeat us.

Joel 2 outlays God’s promises during the sowing process, to:

  1. Comfort v21-22
  2. Protect v20
  3. Encourage v22, 27
  4. Provide for v19, 22-26
  5. Give Grace & Mercy to v18
  6. Give Joy to v23 (today)
  7. Spiritually Bless v28-30
  8. And Restore Repentant, Obedient children v25

Allow me to re-emphasize why we are focused on Spiritual Harvesting. Here in the text in Joel 2, God has promised His children that after they consecrate themselves, set themselves apart for God’s service, that after they repent in their hearts, that upon their own personal decisions to choose God above all else he would, indeed, reward them with a spiritual harvest! (See Joel 2 v28-30)

God made a similar declaration in December concerning the Believers who chose to be obedient to him, repent, and seek his face in 2022. 

Saints, John said in III John 1:2:

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

God illustrates the same idea in Joel, that he desires to provide beyond the needs of his children, but they must remain holy!

God desires for us to prosper wholly, body, mind, soul, and spirit! He wants all your need to be supplied (Philip 3:19)

The Spiritual Harvesting God is bringing about this year is coming because of cultivating, treating, grooming, nurturing, watering, and protecting the soil of our hearts!

  1. Humbling oneself before God
  2. Repenting of any sin (turn away from and change behavior)
  3. Rededication of one’s life, and efforts
  4. Continual focus on prayer and fasting
  5. Diligent study of God’s Word and promises
  6. Consecration, or setting oneself apart for God’s Service
  7. Total Obedience to and seeking the Will of God

We must Get Into/Stay In Position! (see Ps 1:1-6), like a tree planted by a river.

  • Remain in position, that you might be fed by God
  • A tree planted by a river will never hunger nor thirst
    • The richest soil is near the water
    • The roots grow deepest/strongest near water
    • Water always keeps the soil moist

***Job’s blessing was in place before his trial took place.

  • God invited Satan to test Job, just so he could bless him again!
    • God knew Job would remain steadfast
    • God simply found a reason to bless him exceeding abundantly above his thoughts
    • When trouble found Job, Job sought out God!
    • Before trouble came to Job, Job was regularly seeking out God
  • God has issued his decree to us for this year, and people are already reporting blessings, changes, and spiritual growth!
  • Will you trust God, step out on your faith, and plunge into the deep end?

How do we do this? You seek after God with all your heart.

  • Let nothing distract your prayer
  • Let nothing stop your studying of God’s Word
  • Let nothing prevent your fasting
  • Let nothing deter your praise

(See Romans 8:35-38)

If we humble ourselves before God, seek his face, and do his will, then spiritual and natural blessings are on the horizon.

Don’t block your blessings with doubt, or disobedience, serve God! Do his will and healing, deliverance, and peace will come.

Job’s blessing manifested itself as a result of his obedience and humility.

Job’s Faith and trust in God activated:

  • A blessing of Spiritual Wealth, Job grew closer to God afterward
  • A blessing of Natural wealth, Job was now 2x as wealthy as before


I am sharing what the Lord told me to tell “Them That believe;

If you don’t believe, then I am not addressing you!

If you would only believe! I have so much planned in store for you.

Who will be my example? Who will trust me?

Go into your secret closet, close yourself off, and seek my face!

I will meet you there!

It is time! The time is now. My blessings are here! Believe! Only Believe!"

Humble yourself before the Mighty Hand of God, and he will exalt you in spirit in time! 

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