Series: Spiritual Harvesting

"God Blesses And Restores Obedient Children"

February 13, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Joel 2:24-30


Today we seem to hear more tales of horror, loss, betrayal, and misfortune than anything else. It is as if the world feeds upon the demise of men.


Though we may expect some loss, deceit, betrayal, and other things, we shall see today that God is more than willing to bless and restore the lost things of life!


Last week we discussed the desire of God to give joy to his children prior to, during, and after conflict, correction, or direction of any sort.

Today we will look at the promise God makes to bless and restore obedient children!

Job is an example of restoration and blessings Job 42:12-13 tells us that the Lord blessed Job with twice what he originally had. Therefore, God restored his original and gave him extra of everything so that he had twice as much! (see Job 1:2-3)

Eph 3:20-21

20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

So God restored Job’s wealth and then exceeded abundantly what he originally had by giving him double!

Job was indeed obedient to God, as a result, God took Job through the trials he faced. He didn’t leave him, nor forsake him. Instead, he guided him, and strengthened him to be resolute in remaining with God regardless of what he faced in life.

Go already knew Job’s response would be to seek him out. As we search the scriptures regarding this story, we see that Job sat still and sought God for answers! He didn’t “Curse God” as his wife suggested he do, he sought God.

Job drew nearer to the one who had the answers and the relief for his troubles.

The Spiritual Harvesting of God will come to those who cultivate, plough, treat, groom, nurture, water, and protect the soil of our hearts through God’s Word!

This process mirrors the sowing of seed preparing for the harvest!

So how does one do that, and what does that consist of:

Turning over the soil (digging up dark soil to expose minerals to water, sun, etc)

  • Digging up sin, old hurt memories (bring them to the surface for God)
  • Expose them to the truth of God’s Word
    • Pain will destroy you if it goes unchecked
    • God wants to bear your burdens for you
    • You aren’t, and don’t have to fight alone
  • Address the “Real” issue being masked by anger
    • What is the true (not surface) source of your pain?
  • Forgive, you can’t be forgiven until you yourself forgive
    • Forgiveness is for you (You can’t heal holding on to things)
    • Release yourself from the bondage

Release the hurt/pain so you can release yourself

  • Don’t keep re-living the situation
    • Feel the hurt
    • Express your pain (cry, scream, whatever)
    • Move forward leaving it behind
    • Replace the hurt with love from God’s promises

Demonic Power lives within the pain that you are holding on to.

Think about what occurs each time you re-live the incident.

  • Hurt, Rage, Sadness, Mistrust, Hopelessness, Darkness, Despair
  • Pride, Retaliation, Vengeance, Retribution

The Spiritual sowing process is humbling oneself before God and moving into position so that God can remove the obstacles which deter or defeat us.

Sowing Spiritual Seed:

Read the Word – allow the Word to find our issues (Isa 55:7-9, 64:5-6, Rom 3:23)

Fast – to hear God speak one must deny oneself and find quiet surroundings

  • Allow God to direct your changes in heart and mind by revealing opportunities

Pray – ask God to reveal the necessary changes in your life

  • Allow God to make those changes (we must be willing to see self honestly)

Remember the opinions, thoughts, and words of others about don’t matter.

All that matters is what God has said, and your relationship with him.

  • God has everything that you need (hope, love, joy, peace, etc.)

Take the time to apply God’s Word, and directions for your personal life so that you change according to II Cor 3:5-6, according to Christ’s direction.

What is it that has deterred, or defeated you? Is something stopping you?

What is it that lies in your subconscious, your heart, that has you stuck living in your past, not able to break free?

Remember, God is preparing you! “Though we are tried in the fire we shall come at as pure gold!’

We must endure the trials we face for the trials are not to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us in the end! When we see Jesus face to face!

Restore: to bring back to a former, original, or normal condition, as a building, statue, or painting.

Bless: to bestow good of any kind upon:

God is telling us that he is willing to both restore all that we have lost, and to provide additional supplies to us.

“Exceeding abundantly above all”

If the enemy deterred your receiving anointing or gifts, God says no more!

I am sharing what the Lord told me to:

“Tell Them That believe!

If you don’t believe, then I am not addressing you!

If you would only believe! I have so much planned in store for you.

Who will be my example? Who will trust me?

Go into your secret closet, close yourself off, and seek my face!

I will meet you there!

It is time! The time is now. My blessings are here! Believe! Only Believe!”


God doesn’t intend for you to endure the pain, strain, or difficulty of trials without you benefiting, especially in the spirit!

Consecrate yourself if you really want more of God! If you truly want to grow! God is promising to show you the growth which comes from dedication and obedience.

Spiritual and natural blessings will come to all who trust and believe!

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