Series: Spiritual Harvesting

"God Gives Joy to Obedient Children"

February 06, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Joel 2:12-17


Sometimes it is difficult to see the brighter side of things while the rain is yet falling upon one’s face! Every dark cloud eventually gives way to sunshine!


We have but to trust in God as he directs our path, and no matter how the road winds, we must rejoice knowing that it is God who directs the journey!


Last week we discussed the desire of God to give grace and mercy to his children prior to, during, and after conflict, correction, or direction of any sort.

Today we will look at the promise God makes to give joy to his obedient children!

Allow me to reiterate why we are focused on Spiritual Harvesting. God has promised His children that after they consecrate themselves, set themselves apart for God’s service, that after they repent in heart, that upon their own personal decisions to choose God above all else he would, indeed, reward them with a spiritual harvest! (See Joel 2 v28-30)

Saints, John said in III John 1:2:

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

God desires for us to prosper wholly, body, mind, soul, and spirit! He wants all of your need to be supplied (Philip 3:19

The Spiritual Harvesting God is bringing about is coming because of cultivating, treating, grooming, nurturing, watering, and protecting the soil of our hearts!

This process represents the sowing of seed prior to reaping the harvest!

We must be willing to do the hard work necessary to repeat a harvest such as what God has promised us!

Remember that sowing is, in fact, the tilling or ploughing of the soil necessary to produce the best soil for planting seeds!

This the spiritual process of humbling oneself before God and moving into position so that God can remove the obstacles which deter or defeat us.

What is it that has deterred, or defeated you? Is something stopping you?

What is it that lies in your subconscious, your heart, that has you stuck living in your past, not able to break free?

Joel 2 outlays God’s promises during the sowing process, to:

  1. Comfort v21-22
  2. Protect v20
  3. Encourage v22, 27
  4. Provide for v19, 22-26
  5. Give Grace & Mercy to v18
  6. Give Joy to v23 (today)
  7. Spiritually Bless v28-30
  8. And Restore Repentant, Obedient children v25

In Nehemiah 8:10 the Bible reminds us that when God delivers his desires for our life to us this is a time to fully celebrate! In Nehemiah God delivers the Law to the people! Satan wants us to react negatively to keep us off focus!

The people became upset because they saw the Law as a yoke! Often times we see God’s direction, standards, or warnings and discipline as such, a yoke!

However, a closer look into the situation reveals your established relationship with God! In this we must rejoice!!! (discuss)

Similarly, in Psalms 30:5 we are reminded that children must receive discipline for wrongdoing. However, this is not the end of the world!

“Weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning time!”

Again, the fact that God has taken the time to discipline you establishes relationship! (Joy will come in the morning time!!)

I would rather receive discipline from my Father, knowing he loves me and that is his reason, than no discipline because he doesn’t care what happens to me!

I would call your attention to Hebrews 12:8, which states:

“But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.” The Lord chastens those whom he loves!

The point here is that God will provide joy to his children when they are obedient! God desires that you live a full life including a joyous one. He seeks to place joyful things in your life, if you allow him to do so.

As God prepares us for the Spiritual Harvest he has promised we can “Get Into/Stay In Position” by remaining joyful.

Remember, God is preparing you! “Though we are tried in the fire we shall come at as pure gold!’

We must endure the trials we face for the trials are not to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us in the end! When we see Jesus face to face!


As Yahweh pours out his Spirit among us, we become equipped w/ greater Faith which brings:

  • Trust in God
  • Change of Focus
  • Change of Heart
  • Change of Mind
  • Greater Peace through Trust
  • Greater Joy through Peace
  • Greater Contentment through Joy
  • Greater fulfillment through relationship

We must “Get Into/Stay In Position”, so God is free to do His Will in our lives!

How do we do this?

  1. Self-introspection
    1. Be willing to look at ourselves truthfully
  2. Self-Character Analysis
    1. Am I truly obedient to God?
      1. Am I willingly or reluctantly obedient? (Cain)
    2. Do I seek to know God’s Will, or do mine?
    3. Am I willing to surrender all?
      1. Am I holding something back that I haven’t let go of?


When we explore our opportunities for growth it will come with some pain. The reality of who we are, old memories that haven’t yet faded from us, and pain that has racked our brain are among the issues we must face. However, God promises to be our strength when we are weak, as well as to never leave us, nor forsake us!

We can make the best decision of our lives by trusting our life to God, knowing he shall provide, and supply our every need!

We can live with Joy, unspeakable Joy!

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