Series: Spiritual Harvesting

"God Comforts Obedient Children"

January 02, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Joel 2:12-17

God has promised me that this year 2022 is such a time, a time of Spiritual Harvest! Are you, His people?

When God chooses you, he does not leave you uncovered if you remain obedient.

Joel 2 outlays God’s promise to:

  1. Comfort v21-22
  2. Protect v20
  3. Encourage v22, 27
  4. Provide for v19, 22-26
  5. Give Grace & Mercy to v18
  6. Give Joy to v23
  7. Bless v28-30
  8. And Restore Repentant, Obedient children v25

We will survey the benefit of “Comfort” as the first of the series.

Today the world is filled with miserable, anger, disenfranchised, hate filled, broken, and lost people generations over.

Many people choose in vain, to self-medicate with a variety of vices in the hopes of quieting the noises of hopelessness, sin, and shame!

But how does one employ the very weapon of one’s destruction to counter the effects, or results of that weapon’s use? Sound crazy?

As crazy as this sounds, such is the state of the greater portion of the world today.

However, there is a way, and a choice to be made!

Here in the text today we see in v12-17, that God only asks that we follow him. This calls for repentance and obedience, which most simply don’t want to do.

We can ignore the call of God and continue in this life filled with misery and pain, or we can have our lives transformed as we transform our minds.

Again, God calls for repentance and sanctification. When God chooses you, he does not leave you uncovered if you remain obedient:

God will not only provide and protect, but he will even comfort you as you endure your trials.

This is a season of struggles for many due to loses of loved ones, loneliness, and relationship issues, but God seeks to ensure you brighter days are coming!

Psalms 30:5 reminds us that “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning!”

Joel v21-22:

21 Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the Lord will do great things.

22 Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field: for the pastures of the wilderness do spring, for the tree beareth her fruit, the fig tree and the vine do yield their strength.

  • It seeks to assure us that God has miracles planned for us!
    • If we endure, remain obedient, “Stay In Position”
  • That God has provisions set aside for our needs
  • That God will prosper what he directs us to focus on
    • If God can lead you to it, then God will bring you through it!
  • That every direction God gives will bear much fruit/success

The words “Fear Not” are a confident reassurance that there is nothing which has taken God by surprise! He knew your life would see this moment!

Some of us will ask, “Well, if God saw this coming why didn’t he stop it from happening?”

Ask yourself the question: Did I listen to God to get here, or was this of my own doing and volition?

Before we blame the God so loving that he tolerates/forgives our disobedience, we must be certain that we were, in fact, acting on His accord, and not our own!

So, now that we know we or some other human issue, weren’t the reason that we are here, we can rest if we trust in God, because obedient children shall eat of the “Fat of the Land!”

If we realized in this moment of truth, that God didn’t lead us in this direction..

If we are repentant and obedient then God’s deliverance is not far off!  We just have to hold on! “Get into/Stay In Position!”

Am I talking to someone right now? Does it seem like you can’t find your way out? Do you feel like the walls are, or have caved in upon you? Are you hoping, crying, praying for a brighter day?

Do you have the faith to believe? Will you trust in My God to supply your need, to lift the burden, to solve your problem?


As Yahweh pours out his Spirit among us we become equipped w/ greater Faith which brings:

  • Trust in God
  • Change of Focus
  • Change of Heart
  • Change of Mind
  • Greater Peace through Trust
  • Greater Joy through Peace
  • Greater Contentment through Joy
  • Greater fulfillment through relationship

We must “Get Into/Stay In Position”, so God is free to do His Will in our lives!

How do we do this?

  1. Self-introspection
    1. Be willing to look at ourselves truthfully
  2. Self-Character Analysis
    1. Am I truly obedient to God?
      1. Am I willingly or reluctantly obedient? (Cain)
    2. Do I seek to know God’s Will, or do mine?
    3. Am I willing to surrender all?
      1. Am I holding something back that I haven’t let go of?


Hang your hat on, or place your trust, not on/in the things of this world, but the God who is out of this world!

As long as you trust and follow God, a brighter day is always right on the horizon for you! No matter how it looks, or what the world says!

The promises of God are yea and amen, yes and I agree!

He will never leave you nor forsake but will be with you even until the end of this world!

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