Series: Spiritual Harvesting

" God Protects Obedient Children"

January 09, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Joel 2:12-17


One thing a Child of God can count on is that he/she will face trouble, trials, and tribulations in this world! Trouble finds the doorstep of every man, sanctified or otherwise.


The difference is not in the trouble, but resiliency and protection in the midst of the trouble! If you want to be protected Jesus is the only way! No matter what people say today!

Last week we discussed the desire of God to comfort his children prior to, during, and after conflict of any sort.


Today we will look at some promises God makes to protect his children always!

As stated last week, "Harvest" is the time in which we gather the spoils of our work!

The Spiritual Harvesting God is bringing about is coming because of cultivating, treating, grooming, nurturing, watering, and protecting the soil of our hearts!

This process represents the sowing of seed prior to reaping the harvest! Recall...

Joel 2 outlays God’s promises during the sowing process, to:

  1. Comfort v21-22
  2. Protect v20
  3. Encourage v22, 27
  4. Provide for v19, 22-26
  5. Give Grace & Mercy to v18
  6. Give Joy to v23
  7. Bless v28-30
  8. And Restore Repentant, Obedient children v25

Isaiah 54 it states that, “No weapon formed against thee shall prosper.” Saints I must call your attention to the word “Formed”! The Bible is notifying you that he that serves God must be prepared to face trials! That is the reason for the statement “weapon formed!”

James 1 said “Count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations”. Peter 4 reminded us to, “Think it not strange concerning the fiery trials which is to try you”!

You are going to face trouble Saints! You are an enemy of this world, and of those who temporarily rule it! If you are a real man/woman of God then they know it, and they know you!

However, Jeremiah reminds us that though these weapons are going to form, they will not prosper! They will not succeed! They will not destroy you; they will not have victory, defeat, or derail you!!!

If you remain obedient to, and trust in the Lord Our God!  

James says that these temptations work your patience, so that you learn to trust only in God! Trusting in God will give you the peace you need to stand in confidence during your trials. You learn that no matter what, God is in control.

Peter reminded us that it is the reassurance of our relationship with God, which is the reason trials come to us.

Therefore, if we know that we are growing because of the trials; changes are occurring within us that makes us more like Christ, and less like our old selves, we must rejoice!!

We may not enjoy the process by which we are changed, but we can rejoice in that we are being made conformable to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Not only that, but when God says stop Satan can do more, go no further, he must retreat!

All trials are either directed by God, or allowed by him for your growth!

See the Book of Job for proof!

  • Satan had to request permission to touch the life of Job!
  • God’s overwhelming confidence in Job allowed his servant to be tried to the bitter end of all that he had on this earth except his life!

However, Satan lost the battle if you recall the end of the story! God returned everything that was taken from Job and doubled it!

Everyone in this world faces calamity in their lives! Yet, only an obedient child of God has the assurance of God’s protection.

 Now remember, as the Three Hebrew Boys said, everything is within God’s Will.

It was God’s will that Job be tested. It was God’s Will that he loses his family. It was God’s Will that all his earthly possessions be taken or destroyed!

However, just because God allows things like that to occur doesn’t mean he can’t stop them, nor does it mean you are defeated!

You are not defeated because God allows you or a loved one to transition from this earth.

The victory may be for you in Heaven! If Satan takes your life, but you remain obedient and trusting of God, Heaven will be your home regardless of anything else!

Jesus said in Matt 10:28:

“And fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

Even if we, like some of the “Cloud of Witnesses” that came before us, lose our lives here, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord”

What am I saying? I am saying trust in the Will of God!

I know that we don’t understand every move that he takes, every life that he takes, every situation that seems unfair to us, but God knows!!!

We have got to give up trying to understand everything that God is doing, or allows, and just go with his program! Somethings he will make known to us in due time, and others he will never reveal to us!

Does that make him any less the Yahweh, the God of all things that he is? No!

We just don’t understand! Let God comfort you when you don’t understand. Don’t run from him, run straight to him! Spend ore time at his feet! Let God speak to you.

Satan wants to turn you away from God in anger, the only one who can help you!

But I want to turn to God in anger, sickness, sadness, pain, longing, joy, sorrow, and strain!! In all things, at all times, in every situation seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven!

As Yahweh pours out his Spirit among us, we become equipped w/ greater Faith which brings:

  • Trust in God
  • Change of Focus
  • Change of Heart
  • Change of Mind
  • Greater Peace through Trust
  • Greater Joy through Peace
  • Greater Contentment through Joy
  • Greater fulfillment through relationship

We must “Get Into/Stay In Position”, so God is free to do His Will in our lives!

How do we do this?

  1. Self-introspection
    1. Be willing to look at ourselves truthfully
  2. Self-Character Analysis
    1. Am I truly obedient to God?
      1. Am I willingly or reluctantly obedient? (Cain)
    2. Do I seek to know God’s Will, or do mine?
    3. Am I willing to surrender all?
      1. Am I holding something back that I haven’t let go of?


If we love God then we must learn to place all confidence, not in men, things, money, or relationships, but rather in God!

Our level of trust in God is a testimony of our level of faith in him! Our level of faith in God will speak directly to what he accomplishes within our lives for us and others! God can’t use people who don’t trust in him, it is a contradiction!

I John 4:18:

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

If you say you love God, then you should trust in him, and thusly so not fear that he will protect you!

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