Series: Spiritual Harvesting

"God Provides For Obedient Children"

January 23, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Joel 2:12-17

Title: “God Provides For Obedient Children”


Last week we discussed the desire of God to encourage his children prior to, during, and after conflict of any sort, especially dedication.

Today we will look at the promise God makes to provide for his children!

Let us recap why we are focused on the Spiritual Harvesting. God promised His children that after they consecrate themselves (set themselves apart for God’s service) and that after they repent in heart, that upon their own personal decisions to choose God above all else he would, indeed, reward them with a spiritual harvest!

The Spiritual Harvesting God is bringing about is coming because of cultivating, treating, grooming, nurturing, watering, and protecting the soil of our hearts! 

It is Spiritual Work, such as

  • fasting, studying and meditating on God’s Word
  • seeking God’s Face (trying to hear God speaking)
  • lots of prayer
  • witnessing to, sharing with, praying for and helping others.

This process represents the sowing of seeds prior to reaping the harvest!

Joel 2 outlays God’s promises during the sowing process, to:

  1. Comfort v21-22
  2. Protect v20
  3. Encourage v22, 27
  4. Provide for v19, 22-26
  5. Give Grace & Mercy to v18
  6. Give Joy to v23
  7. Bless v28-30
  8. And Restore Repentant, Obedient children v25

Do you have a specific need?

See Matt 6:30

30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

Receiving from God is about two things:

  • Prayer according to the will of God (see Luke 11:2, I John 5:14-15)
  • Prayer with full faith in God (see Mark 11:24, Heb 11:6)

In the text here in Joel 2 verses 19, & 22-26 God lists all of the things he plans to provide, as you do His will, he will take care of your needs!

You have but to make up your mind to trust and believe God’s Word.

Trust in God! What is there to lose. You have everything to gain!

Try the one person that won’t forget you, betray you, leave you, or fail you!

Joel 2:19, states:

19 Yea, the Lord will answer and say unto his people, Behold, I will send you corn, and wine, and oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith: and I will no more make you a reproach among the heathen:

You may ask, what is the point of focusing on what God promises to provide?

During struggles, the most common reason for people giving up the fight is usually the fact that they have lost hope!

Is there a need in your Life? Is there a dream that you once dreamed? Is there a goal that you have given up on because you have lost all hope that it will ever come to fruition?

If God has given you this dream, then God will see it through to its end. If you're struggling in your life because Dark forces are opposing you as you live according to God’s Will, take heart, daybreak is near!

What am I trying to say?

I am saying, that if you have made the decision to follow Christ, “Get Into/ Stay In Position”, and renew your trust and faith in God and his promises.

God is guaranteeing his provision for you, if you repent, and consecrate if you only believe!


As Yahweh pours out his Spirit among us, we become equipped w/ greater Faith which brings:

  • Trust in God
  • Change of Focus
  • Change of Heart
  • Change of Mind
  • Greater Peace through Trust
  • Greater Joy through Peace
  • Greater Contentment through Joy
  • Greater fulfillment through relationship

We must “Get Into/Stay In Position”, so that God is free to do His Will in our lives!

How do we do this?

  1. Self-introspection
    1. Be willing to look at ourselves truthfully
  2. Self-Character Analysis
    1. Am I truly obedient to God?
      1. Am I willingly or reluctantly obedient? (Cain)
    2. Do I seek to know God’s Will, or do mine?
    3. Am I willing to surrender all?
      1. Am I holding something back that I haven’t let go of?


God will always provide for them that serve, love, and trust in Him! Those who are faithful to God can expect God to be even more faithful in their lives!

Would you like to be among those who God pours out His Spirit upon this year?

Would you like for your life to change for the better?

Then make the decision to trust in God, to humble yourself before him.

Make the decision to “Get Into/Stay In Position”!

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