Series: "The Whole Armour of God"

"The Sword of The Spirit"

April 21, 2024 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Ephesians 6:11-17


A weapon wielded without experience and ability is either completely useless, or extremely dangerous. Today, many unholy people are intentionally trying to lead others astray by mishandling the Word of God.


Yet, any weapon, when used correctly, can become a masterful instrument of death and domination, as can the Sword of the Spirit expose and dominate sin!


Why study The Whole Armor of God, and its purpose? Hebrews 4:12 says,

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

Learning to use these weapons will prepare you for any attack of the enemy, conscious or asleep.

And the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, arms us like no other!

Prayer is a weapon that lets us activate each piece of the Whole Armor of God!

Prayer is a personal communication with the Father in Heaven which can usher us into His very presence! Therefore, Prayer:

  1. Grooms our Salvation.
  2. Gives us peace.
  3. Increases our faith.
  4. Augments God’s righteousness within us.
  5. Develops a Spirit of Truth.
  6. Unlocks the mysteries of the Word of God.

Without prayer we will be vulnerable to attack! Remember!

“7 whole days makes one week, 7 days without prayer makes one weak!”

The purpose of the Sword is to pierce the armor and flesh of, as well as to break and or mortally wound the target.

The most dangerous people are those who wield weapons without proper training. If the Holy Spirit doesn’t dwell within you, you are not trained to properly wield the Sword of the Spirit.

The Sword of the Spirit is the engine which powers the Whole Armor of God!

In the Spirit, the Sword’s purpose is no different. The Sword of the Spirit/Word of God is the weapon which most effectively pierces the hearts of men/the subconscious and conscious thoughts! The Word breaks down strongholds, barriers, and high places built up by the flesh, such as pride, hatred, and malice!

  • John 1:1-5 establishes the creational authority of Jesus/The Word!
  • II Cor 10:3-5, Heb 4:12 establishes the Word’s Devine/Spiritual Authority
  • Duet 8:3 establishes the Word’s natural authority in the earth.
  • II Sam 22:31, Prov 30 establishes the Word’s relational authority.
  • Psa 119:11, Thes 2:13, I Tim 4:5 establishes the Word’s salvation authority.

The pre-eminence of God and his Word is established text through our faith.

The Word of God can destroy any lie, generational curse, or imagination that holds sway in one’s mind!  However, we must allow it to transform our thinking.

  • The Word of God defends us against the attacks of enemy (recollection)
  • The Word helps us to wage war against the enemy (Gal 5:16-17, Philip 4:8)

Gen 1:3 begins our introduction into the power of the Word of God, and of God himself by making the statement, “And God said, let there be light; and there was light!”, demonstrating the direct impact of God’s spoken Words!

This passage illustrates the need for, and power of God’s Word. We can deduce how a word can create and discern the intents of that which has been created.

Rom 4:17 says, “As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations, before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.”

The Sword is one of the most powerful of all pieces of Armor! Again, like the Shield it can be used to both defend and attack.

  • Praise and Worship (attack & defend)
  • Recital of the Word to oneself or aloud (attack & defend)
  • Reading/studying/meditating on the Word (attack & defend)
  • Prayer and Fasting against or for (weapons, strongholds, gifts, anointing, etc) (attack & defend)
    • Asking God for weapons, gifts, anointing etc.

Other examples, the Sword can also create, discern, Devine, end, restore, rejuvenate, bring peace, love, hope, and life!

Gen 2:7 tells us that God breathed the beath of life into man. As a result, he passed along a portion of his DNA, being a spirit.

Prov 18:21 tell us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

As a Solider in God’s Army, we must learn to use our most powerful weapon! Speak Saints! But be careful of what you say! Considering both Gen 2:7, and Prov 18:21 reminds us of the damage, or the good that can be done through speech!

We have already discussed some of the attributes of God’s Word above.

Life is filled with obstacles, trials, tribulations, and tests!

The next step would be to learn to invoke/employ the Sword of the Spirit to engage the attribute(s) you require for warfare and for life in general!

  • Create: As, a man thinketh! (We can create situations by speaking to them)
    • (Prov 23:6-7, Rom 12:1-2, II Cor 10:5, II Tim 1:7)
  • Discern: Study to show thyself approved (Spiritual understanding by study)
    • (II Tim 2:15, I John 4:1, Heb 4:12, 5:14, Philip 1:9-10)
  • End: Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth
    • (Matt 16:19, II Cor 10:4, Rom 6:6, I John 3:8, Heb 2:14)
  • Restore: I will restore the years
    • (Job 42:10-12, Joel 2:25)

We invoke these properties of the Word through specific prayer and fasting, meditation, and even songs according to the circumstances, in faith!!

For example, how many songs do you know that speak to your heart and either directly speaks, or make references to, the Word of God to remind you of what you believe?

Seek God based upon the scriptures related to those issues, such as above.

However, YOU MUST SEEK GOD IN FULL FAITH!!!! (See Heb 11:6)

Many times, our prayers, supplications, requests, and wishes are not met because we simply didn’t believe, or trust God to do it!

You can’t fool God! God knows whether, or not you truly believe!

You can always cry out as did the Father of the ailing Child in Mark 9:24.

“I believe Lord, Help thou mine unbelief!”

The Sword of the Spirit will not only defend us and help us to wage Spiritual warfare against our enemies, but it also discerns the enemy “In Me”

James 1 warns us that the true source of the ammunition employed in enemy attacks lies deep within us (See Jam 1:12-15)

Thus, we use the Word to separate our Spirit Man from our flesh, allowing conviction to occur through humility, which cleanses us of unrighteousness.

Note: The most dangerous people in the world are the people who wield weapons, but don’t have any training using them. If you don’t have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you, you can’t be trained to properly wield the Sword of the Spirit.

17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.”

See Gal 5:17


Without the Holy Spirit dwelling within you, your interpretation of God’s Word will be wrong! For this reason, many are being led into False Teachings, Doctrines, and Prophesies that are not of God! “Try the spirit” (See I John 4:1)

God’s goal is to make us whole, thus the use of the “Whole Armor”, or complete spiritual protection of God!

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