Series: "The Whole Armour of God"
"Belt of Truth"
March 17, 2024 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.
Passage: Ephesians 6:11-17
- Truth is a sign of love, and lying is a sign of indifference/hate!
Today we shall discuss the Girdle/Belt of Truth, which is mentally based.
Without truth, one cannot have a good, much less a great relationship with anyone. The desire and ability to be honest is integral to trust, and at the very foundation of the word “relate”.
We are incapable of repentance without humility, which is fostered by truth concerning our spiritual state.
Truth brings us all to the realization that we are, indeed, sinners falling short of Yah’s glory.
So, then it is no wonder that truth is at the Epi-Center of the Whole Armor of God! God is righteous and perfect in all his ways, he cannot, and will not consort with the likes of deceit!
Every piece of the Armor Is connected to our mind in some way:
The Mind Controls all movement and decision-making processes.
Mind Helmet of Salvation
Mind Breastplate of Righteousness
Mind Girdle/Belt of Truth (humility works with truth)
Mind Gospel of Peace (adhesive)
Mind Shield of Faith (conduit)
Mind Sword of the Spirit (engine)
- If the mind is corrupt, so is the entire per (see Matt 6:19-23)
Truth Deceit
Requires Light Requires Darkness
Seek Clarity Desires Confusion
Requires Humility Works in Pride
Opens up to Holy Spirit Is repelled by the Holy Spirit
Promotes Trust Promotes Mistrust
Makes one Reliable Makes one untrustworthy
- Truth seeks light and avoids/shies away from darkness/deceit
- Humility is inspired by honesty (truth makes one humble)
- Causes you to admit flaws, see God as righteousness
- This helps us focus on God’s standards, which helps us detect unrighteous behavior more readily
- Truth allows God to work to convict and correct
- Truth can prevent Satan’s exploiting our weaknesses
- Truth sheds light and reveals things & desire for change
Conviction Confession Correction
- Lies cast darkness & shadows, encourages hiding/concealing truth
Condemnation Shame Blame
Why does one Lie?
- We wish to continue in a negative behavior without judgement.
- To conceal wrongdoing
- To conceal negative traits about one’s self.
People who lie don’t want to surrender certain things to God.
- They ignore or deny the truth.
- Truthful people take everything to God, bad habits, addictions, etc.
- They seek out his help.
- Weak people tell lies.
- They are afraid of what others will think of them.
- Strong people tell the truth.
- It doesn’t matter what others think, only truth matters.
The Belt of Truth prevents us from being embarrassed by exposed lies (It keeps our Spiritual Pants up)
John 4 tells us that “True Worshipers” are truthful people.
Again, how does one build a relationship with anyone telling lies, or being deceitful? You cannot!
Without truth there is no relationship. Without relationship there is no Whole Armor to be issued to you!
Truth Salvation Righteousness
The foundation of our Armor is the same as that of our Relationship with God “Truth”!
Truth is at the Epi-Center of salvation and righteousness. You cannot have either of the others without truth first.
We cannot see the Father in peace unless our journey of salvation begins with truth.
Central to all Salvation provides is the truth that we must begin with, who’s ready to begin the journey?