Series: "The Whole Armour of God"

"The Helmet of Salvation"

April 14, 2024 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Ephesians 6:11-17

Faith is integral to our hope, peace, strength, and development as Believers, just as it is to every aspect of one’s Armor!

All humans, Believer & Nonbeliever are engaged in Spiritual Warfare, like it or not.

We are all the enemies of Satan and his Dark Kingdom!

That which is Spiritual is also Mental, so when the Bible says in II Tim 1:7:

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

It means that God has not given us a “Mind” of fear! It says “mind” at the end!

We once had dominion over Satan and the Dark Kingdom but lost it through sin.

If the Spiritual controls the mental, then a spiritual attack is a mental one!

Fear, doubt, hatred, and negativity are meant to flood our thought process and tear us down, as well as to immobilize us spiritually and naturally.

The ultimate goal of the Dark Kingdom is to destroy us! To lead us down a pathway which will culminate in our demise!

Meaning, Satan wants your focus on failures, fears, and worries so that you cannot remember what Christ did for you!

  • He needs for you to take your eyes off of God and keep them on pain.
  • To flood your mind with guilt so you forget the sacrifice Christ made.
  • See past your pain to the purpose of Christ’s death!

Name a vice, including money and material things that doesn’t destroy you!

We began this series in the original order in which the “Whole Armor of God” is presented, and today will look at the “Helmet of Salvation”.

The Purpose of a helmet:

  • To protect the most important part of the body, the mind!
    • The mind controls everything else, every part of the body
    • If the mind is destroyed or injured, the body falls/follows.
  • Therefore, the purpose of the Helmet of Salvation is the same.
    • To protect the Conscious mind by protecting each gateway into it
      • Ear Gate (sinful words, sounds, music)
      • Eye Gate (sinful or lude sights)
      • Mouth Gate (sinful, harmful, or unholy words)
      • Nose Gate
      • Fingers/Body/Touch Gate
    • Each of these sensory gates intake information intended to become a stumbling block to sin. (a weight that can provoke sinful thoughts)

Therefore, our Conscious thoughts are protected from attack via the Helmet of Salvation.

These thoughts can be triggered by any sensory information from any gate.

Salvation: the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction

Battle strategy - know source, locale, and method of attacks (Eph 6, I Ptr 5:8)

Identifying the source, locale, and method of attacks☹Starts Here!

  1. Our enemy is not of this realm! See Eph 6:11-12.
    1. Since the enemy is not of this realm, we cannot fight them with carnal weapons. See II Cor 10:3-5
  2. The enemy seeks to control the thought process by introducing sin.
  • What is sin – Infraction of God’s Laws
  • How does sin occur – see Jam 1:12-15 (fleshly desires)
  • What is your mental condition/focus? Matt 6:19-21

There is a spirit of sadness that seeks to destroy all of those who lose loved ones.

The Lord was showing me during my prayer in the Spirit that there are reasons why this occurs so often:

  • The obvious – demonic influences want to discourage and distract us.
  • Those people represent “Light” in our lives through love.
    • The world is dark and evil, and we need the light to survive.
    • Love is from God and is of God, which provides light.
    • See Gen 2:7, we are a part of the God of creation.
    • When the person’s spirit returns to God the light leaves

Demonic spirits use this loss to torment people because they realize the loss of the beauty of light, but don’t recognize the source!

God is still available to us all when we lose those loved ones, he is there for us in others he places around us, as well as individually to each of us whenever we seek Him or listen for His voice!

Don’t allow those spirits to cause you distraction, sadness, or despair.

Employ a strategy that identifies, and blocks the source, its direction, and method of attack.

It is through our fleshly tendencies and desires that the enemy will attack us. Either the images are projected within the mind, or presented to several of the sensory gates, and then projected into the mind.

Combating sensory influence and projection:

  1. We are called to bring our flesh under subjection– see Rom 8:13, Col 3:5
  • How does one fight against sin:
    • Luke 10:25-27 (Love God beyond everything else)
    • see Rom 10:9-10 (Confess/Make Christ Jesus is Lord)
    • Philip 2:4-6, 4:8 (allow your mind to become as Christ’s)
    • Rom 12:1-2 (surrender your body and will)
    • I Thes 5:16-18 (continual prayer)
    • Gal 5:16-17 (Focus on hearing God’s Voice/Holy Spirit)

How do I know if I am wearing my helmet? (Evidence)

  • Litmus test: Gal 5:18-23
  • Works of the Flesh (Condemn>Shame>Darkness)
  • The Fruit of The Spirit (Convict>Change>Light)

Functions of the Armor of God:

  • Helmet of Salvation: helps you see yourself and others for who you are.
  • Breastplate of Righteousness: changes your heart from wicked to pure.
  • Belt of Truth: helps you live in honesty and denounce sin.
  • Gospel of Peace: will help you to walk in peace with God and men.
  • Shield of Faith: protects your heart, mind, soul, and spirit from attack.
  • Sword of the Spirit: provides you the knowledge, comfort, confidence, and encouragement to live holy and walk in the Spirit.


We need the Whole Armor of God to defeat the enemy and thwart his attacks!

The Helmet is key in protecting our Conscious Mind from attacks to our gateways.

Developing a battle strategy will guarantee us victory against the enemy!

Faith is the foundation of Salvation and the Whole Armor of God!

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Other sermons in the series

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"Belt of Truth"

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