Series: "The Whole Armour of God"

"The Shield of Faith"

April 07, 2024 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Ephesians 6:11-17

Faith: belief that is not based on proof:

Hebrews 11:1-3

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Therefore, Faith is the foundation of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen! Faith is about relationship! John 4:23-24

In other words, the basis of our hope in that which we have not yet seen is the conviction of heart that he who promised it will certainly deliver!

We know this because we know that:

Numbers 23:19

“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”

Shield: used both offensively and defensively; it is a tool for attacking an enemy or defending one’s body from an enemy attack.

So, then the “Shield of Faith” is used to protect the Spirit Man and the Body from the attacks of the Dark Kingdom and attack its strategies!

Faith is the key which unlocks the door to God’s Desire to provide all our needs, and our desires in life, which includes protection from Satan and his minions!

When we surrender our body and mind as in Rom 12:1-2, our frame of thought becomes that of God’s. He changes what is important, as well as what we need. Because of this, we become able to pray and wish according to the will of God, and we won’t see a prayer go unanswered! Because we pray according to His Will.

The Shield of Faith supplies protection for every other piece of our Armor. It takes the blows first, thereby reducing the damage of any attack, if not totally nullifying the potency of the attack all together.

Faith becomes our Battering Ram and can even cut through the attacks of the enemy when we simply repeat/rehearse what we believe! The Word of God!!!!

 The Shield/Faith protects your Salvation/Helmet:

Our Faith in God is what moves Him to accept us as His People/Children, for we are sinners saved by grace through “Faith”.

Salvation protects the conscience of the Believer through our focus on God, Christ’s sacrifice, and the redemptive work that sacrifice guarantees.

Our Faith provides additional protection against the enemy by giving us the confidence to trust in God’s Word, His Majesty, and promises.

 The Shield/Faith protects your Righteousness/Breastplate:

Righteousness protects the subconscious mind of the believer also through focus on God’s Word, and His promises to fight for us, as well as to transform our thoughts.

Our Faith then provides additional protection by helping us trust those promises to make us over, change our direction, and our future through deliverance. By doing this the Holy Spirit helps us to release emotional baggage which has bound our mind.

 The Shield/Faith protects your Truthfulness/Belt/Girdle

Truth protects us from our pride by keeping us humble and in right relationship with our God by placing our issues, feelings, needs, and thoughts before him daily! Our very struggles and temptations are to be brought before God for cleansing of the mind.

Our Faith helps us to put things in proper perspective knowing that God only wants what is best for us. He wants us to be healthy, joyous, and at peace, which is why he desires us to give burdens and weights to him. God wants us free! Free to live, to worship, to love, to help others, and to praise without constraint.

 The Shield/Faith protects your Peace/Feet

Peace protects us from worry, doubt, fear, wrath, anxiety, and emotional trauma by teaching us to rely totally upon God!

Our Faith is the driving force for our peace, for it is through the trust we learn in God that we receive the ability to wait, which brings us peace in all circumstances.

Verse 16 of Eph 6 says, “Above all taking the Shield of Faith” because it is our Faith in God that empowers us to move forward, to trust, believe, submit, and humble ourselves before God.

Without faith there is no salvation, righteousness, truth, or peace.

Faith, then, is the engine that powers the Armor of God! It is the power that engages the invisible forcefield created for Saints called the Whole Armor of God!

Without Faith the Bible says that “it is impossible to please God”, so if you can’t please God, you don’t get the same sort of blessings, protection, peace of mind, or guidance!!!

Faith is meant to cover your entire Armor, but without it.

  • We are open to attacks at full force (no buffer, no protection)
  • We lose the advantage of covering.
  • We are much easier to wound, defeat, paralyze.


Eph 2:8 says “For by grace are ye saved through faith..”

Every person blessed by the Lord exhibited faith!

Every great redemptive action taken by God was inspired by someone’s faith!

We are the people of Yasher’El because of Abraham’s Faith!!

Armor without faith, is no armor at all!

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