Series: "The Whole Armour of God"

"The Gospel of Peace"

March 31, 2024 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Ephesians 6:11-17


The purpose of Armored Shoes/Boots is to protect one’s feet from damage. If you cannot stand then you cannot fight!


Therefore, the purpose of preparing one’s feet with the Gospel of Peace is to protect where one’s mind and feet carry them!


God created a utopia, a paradise for us that was ruined by sin! When that happened, we also lost our peace!

As sin entered our world, our peace was mortgaged, and now we fight a battle to secure and maintain that peace.

Let’s be clear, the body will go wherever the feet takes it, and the feet will go wherever the mind tells them to go!

In Gal 5 the Bible tells us that if we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill lusts of the flesh!

Therefore, walk in the Spirit, remain focused on God, and your feet will follow!

Peace comes because of total trust in God’s Word. Peace is found following Christ Jesus. As we focus on Christ’s desires for our life, we travel in the direction intended by God.

Knowing that God has made a way for us, and that we can depend on him brings us peace!

Why is Peace important?

  1. Without peace there is fear, doubt, and worry.
    1. All 3 above immobilizes us (stops our growth)
    2. Circumstances now control our focus, not God (Lost job, spouse)
    3. Lost focus prevents us from being able to hear God speak to us.
    4. Not hearing God creates distance between us and Him
  2. Peace brings us closer God as we rely upon him more and more
    1. God controls circumstances, circumstances don’t control God

Again, the mind may tell us where to go, but it is our feet that take us there.

Our mind being at peace, focused on peace, and living in peace will seek a peaceful path to travel as well.

So if peace is total trust in God, what does that look like? See Matt 6:30-31

30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

  • No concern over money
  • No concern over housing
  • No concern over clothing
  • No concern over desires
  • No concern over people/relationships
  • No concern over the job
  • No concern over health

Once we trust in God our feet will travel to where a godly, peaceful mind directs them.

A peaceful mind can easily hear and focus on God’s Voice.

Feet Prepared with Peace works in concert with the other pieces of Armor:

  1. Maintain Salvation since it focuses on God (Helmet)
  2. Remain righteous because it only responds to God’s Voice (Breastplate)
  3. Live/Walk in truth because truth brings peace (Belt of Truth)
    1. Peaceful minds seek out peaceful surroundings/thoughts
  4. Walk in Faith because it trusts totally in God (Shield of Faith)
  5. Thrive on the Word of God because it brings about peace (Sword of Spirit)

If I have Peace:

  • I am resilient, able to last during trials
  • I am strong, able to stand firm during trials
  • I am steady, I don’t waiver, change, or doubt
  • I am not easily provoked, or tempted
  • I am a voice of reason, and a of hope

While truth may be the Epicenter, or the conduit which connects all of the pieces of the Spiritual Armor.

Peace is the adhesive which keeps them all together!


We need peace in order to maintain salvation. Our peace comes from total trust in God, knowing that he has everything under control, and your best interests at heart!

Matt 6 reminds us that we are important to God, as are our needs. Trust God to handle your circumstances as you focus on him!

Peace is vital to our salvation! Follow peace with all men, pursue it!

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