Series: “The More You Take The Less You Have”

Part Two – “Takers Are Not Built For Relationships”

March 06, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: John 3:16


We live in an age where divorce is more frequent than marriage. Greater than 50% of all marriages, inside and outside of the church now end in divorce. So, what is the common denominator? Pride!


Clearly the “Age of Self” has been upon us for quite some time now. Even people who believe themselves to be givers, if they take a closer look will find that they truly operate out of selfish drivers, nothing more. There is an answer in Christ.


Part of the issue with the divorce rate stems from this “Age of Self” ideology of today. What matters most these days is not the well-being of others, but that “I am happy, satisfied, pleased, or able to do as I like without recourse from others!”

Never mind the fact that these same self-serving individuals would quickly protest anyone presenting the same ideology to them in favor of themselves!

It is impossible to expect the sustainability of a relationship where you are the only one benefiting, or constantly getting things your way.

What is even more sad is that this “Age of Self” is not merely relegated to that of marriages.

Jesus foretold of the time when, love would “wax cold”, or diminish in people (See Matt 24:11-12). Families are broken up, destroyed, and family members are even being killed by each other regularly today. (Just watch or read the news)

There is a causality relationship in everything that we do. A ”Ripple Effect” if you will! People who are takers rarely consider this fact of “Cause and Effect” until it is too late!

Sir Isaac Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion states, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

“Opposite” in this case doesn’t necessarily denote the push pull ideology as much as it implies the 2nd object will have some sort of force reaction equal to that of the force that was exerted on it.

For example, if you take something from someone they generally, if able, will take it back or at least attempt to do so.

In the grander scheme of things, God always balances things out. Hence the scripture in Gal 6:7 (whatsoever a man sows)

We humans say, “what goes around comes around again!”

You cannot outrun yourself.

  1. Because they merely take in relationships, they are never fulfilled in them.
    1. Relationships require both give and take to flourish/grow

Last week we discussed the fulfilling nature of giving, and how the Bible tells us that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

We even went to the lengths of comparing the feeling one gets after each interaction (giving/receiving).

There is a freedom and a joy found in giving that cannot be replaced with things.

For this reason, giving to someone, especially someone that we care about, should cause us to feel great joy, peace, and satisfaction.

Part of love is the natural concern for the happiness, and well-being of another. The fulfillment of providing that joy or well-being is immeasurable.

Therefore, the opposite is also true! If you are in relationships where you are not providing these things, where you add nothing, then the relationship cannot be sustained because you will lose interest.

There must be the desire within you to provide these things, to bring positive to the life of the other person, or there will be no reason for you to be in the relationship with them. Thus, bringing about the death of the relationship!

 This brings us to Takers! They are never fulfilled because they are not equipped to care for others. They are relationship challenged, or Asocial. They are incapable of building/maintaining a healthy relationship.

Therefore, the Bible tells us in Rom 12:2

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Allow God to take control of your heart, mind, body, and soul Saints! We read in Jeremiah 29 last week that God has plans to prosper us, to give us a hope and a future.

For us to experience what God has planned we must be capable of living up to our part in the relationship! We must be capable of offering self to God!

II Cor 5:17 says that if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature….

We can leave behind the old ways of selfishness, sin, and greed. We can become the loving, peaceful, giving, and compassionate people God made us to be.

The false teachings, prophesies, ideologies, and doctrines of this world are of the Dark Kingdom and of Satan. The goal is to destroy us from within!

If we adopt the “Age of Self” culture, then we will witness the death of our ability to love, to give, to care! We will first die spiritually, then emotionally, and lastly alone naturally!

“The More You Take; The Less You Have!”

Remember Ebenezer Scrooge from the renowned story “A Christmas Carol”?

The less love you have in your life, the less your ability to attract people who want to be near you! The less your ability to attract people who want to be near you, the less support you have in times of trouble, and or times of celebration!

Again, even the most crowded room can be a lonely room!

Don’t be the person who must look back at their life only to realize that they destroyed their relationships, and the lives of themselves and others by “Taking” their entire life!

Don’t end up a “Scrooge”, who never lives because they never experienced giving!

Don’t look back at your life in misery saying, “Why?”


We were created to glorify God in praise, worship, and Holy Relationship!

We cannot have a relationship with God if God is the only one giving! Neither can we truly love God if we are steadily taking! Love is what it does!

Give yourself away to him! Make room in your heart for the transformation that God wishes to bring about within you, that you would have everlasting Life!

What will you give?

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