Series: “The More You Take The Less You Have”

Part Three – “Takers Ultimately Become Alienated From Others”

March 13, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Matthew 18:23-35


It is the nature of the act of taking to ultimately end in loneliness. Social death is an illustration of one such a theory as taking ending in alienation. Failed marriages and superficial relationships are at the center of the proof. Taking creates enemies and isolation.                        


Afterall, only one person can win, and there is only room for one on top. Nothing that result in this sort of an ending is about God, but abundant is.


So how could taking ultimately lead to loneliness you might ask? Well as mentioned above, taking creates an environment of isolation by pitting one against all others to be “The One”. There is a saying in sports, “Nobody remembers who came in second!” The idea being, no wants to share the spotlight, or the spoils.

Now change your reflection to that of our society itself. We spoke of the low expectancy rate in marriages lasting. We mentioned the selfish drivers which result in an effort to take, and not to give, with giving and sacrifice being part of the true cornerstones of marriage.

Society reflects its communities. Communities reflect their families, and those families are a reflection of their people.

There is a sub-culture which teaches that all participants receive recognition, but our society doesn’t reflect this ideology, which will cripple any who follow one such a paradigm. You have to wonder if the ideology is meant to cripple some, while secretly preparing others to continue a tradition of taking.

What branch of government or corporations have you witnesses exercising such an ideology in its practices? Corporations continue to price gauge, steal, and lie, as the government sits idly by collecting its payments.


  1. The more they take, the more they become isolated from others.
    1. Other people will eventually migrate away from these people
      1. If you have nothing to give you serve no purpose
      2. If you see the damage taking causes you lose interest
  • Witnessing character/moral decay is unpleasant
  1. A house divided against itself cannot stand
  2. Its is lonely at the top because everyone wants the position
    1. Top Dog is not a position two can share
  3. Takers have little to offer, and will offer even less than that
    1. Outside of “Things”, which they share in rare cases there is nothing to takers
      1. Personal Character development is non-essential
    2. Takers will always choose to offer nothing if possible
      1. The objective is to take and not to give
  • Honesty is not part of taking from others
    1. I win by any means necessary

In the scriptures today we see three things:

  • A person incapable of showing the same compassion shown to him
    • A person is jailed for owing far less to the Taker than he owed
  • Do unto others is a necessity to have peace
    • As such, Takers rarely live in peace/harmony with others
  • No matter how things appear we will reap what we have sown

The final ending to things will always be as they began. If we make a life out of using, abusing, mistreating, and lying to others that is how we will eb treated in the end.

We cannot escape the seeds we have planted, or the energy we have put out into the world!

We mentioned Sir Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion last week:

  • “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”

The result of taking may not be instantaneous, but it will come. There will come a day, a time when you must accept the consequences of your actions. Those consequences being the unknown:

  • Things will be taken from you
  • People will leave your life forever
  • You may even lose your life
  • You may become ill

There will always be consequences for our actions, and it is up to us to either minimize the results by choosing good actions or accept the negative consequences of poor choices.

Do you really want to end up alone?

If we choose Christ Jesus, we learn that taking is not nearly as rewarding as the world would like to have us believe.

In Joshua 24:15 Joshua said, “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lordchoose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”


Taking only leads to your loneliness and in the end, your destruction. There is no peace found in constantly serving oneself.

If your aim is to die with the most things, then continue to serve yourself! If you only wish to take from others, emotionally, financially, or otherwise don’t listen to me.

However, if you wish to live in peace regardless of the circumstances because you know:

  • Who you serve
  • You are living right according to God
  • Your payment will be great in the end
  • You have done well by others and have no regrets

Then as Joshua said, serve the Lord!

Don't let the world take you in the same direction as it's inevitable evil ending, give yourself to God!

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