Series: “The More You Take The Less You Have”

Part One – “A Taker’s Life Remains Empty”

February 27, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Acts 20:35

In societies everywhere today, the trend of taking is more and more popular. Governments taking from the only people who do give, people taking from any who allow it, or can’t stop them.

Where does it end, and what will come of them who follow this philosophy? It ends when Christ returns, and their end is damnation. We have a choice!

There is a saying, “A closed fist can neither lose nor receive anything!”
We are told in scripture today that the wiser path is that of giving, and not of taking! All takers will have the same end. (See Psalms 73 & 37 in that order)
Firstly, there are many ways in which to give! For the purpose of today’s sermon, don’t mistake the discussion for one of money! That is only one thing we can give or take from others! These are the things we want to focus on today:

  • Love, affection
  • Attention, compassion
  • Help/Assistance
  • Emotional Support (Listening, Encouraging, etc.)
  • Time (Intimacy)
  • Grace & Mercy

Many people are depressed, filled with anxiety, hopeless, suicidal, and devastated due to the failure of others to aide them.
Most people are more concerned with what you can do for them, than they are what it is that they could do for you!
These “Takers” are people who have a great whole within their souls, which they are condemned to try filling through earthly means! (Woman at the well, Rich Man and the Beggar Lazarus, See John 4:13-21, Luke 16:19-31)

There are many explanations as to why “Takers” continue to take, rather than to give. Today’s discussion will cover the fact that:

The Taker's life is empty no matter how much they take from others.

The mind of a Taker/Selfish person:
For starters, selfish people continue to take from others because they have a huge whole within themselves.

  1. This originally stems from a character flaw(s) within
    a. Person didn’t receive discipline, only love/affection
    b. Person was disciplined too harshly, and without love/affection
    c. Person received things only
              i. No Love/affection
              ii. No discipline
              iii. No intimacy
    d. This person never learns to build relationships
              i. They were not taught to build or value relationships
  2. They are obsessed with the task of filling the whole they feel
  3. They refuse to soul search for the real reasoning for the emptiness
    a. They realize they that they cannot fill it with things
    b. They are not willing to do the work
    c. In their mind everyone else, especially parents are responsible
  4. This person never felt validated by parental figures
    a. They seek to take to prove themselves to the world
                i. In truth it is a cry for the attention/validation of parents
    b. They must be the best, and only being the best matters
                i. People/their feelings don’t matter

God didn’t intend for us to be without discipline, nor without love.
The History of the Israelites illustrates unconditional love, and much discipline. God always exhibits willingness to accept his children, and to restore them once they corrected wrong behavior. (See Joel 2)

God desires for his children to have a complete life: John 10:10 "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
Jeremiah 29:11 “11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

It is God’s intention to provide us with a life that will inspire us to help each other, and not one that encourages selfishness.
There was nothing selfish about eh sacrifices God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit made!
They made us in their image, and as a result, their expectation would be, and is that we exhibit their characteristics!
Everything for the Child of God leads us back to Humility!
Will you allow the experiences you have had to continue to ruin your life? Or, will you hear he message, open your eyes, and soul search what is lacking.
While everyone may not be a totally selfish person, everyone has selfish tendencies that we must not ignore.


God wants to fill your every true need! He desires to see your life filled with love, joy, peace, and contentment.

Will you commit to giving and taking?

Will you allow God to show you just how fulfilling your life can truly be?

Grip your hand as tightly as you can for a moment. Make it so tight that nothing can be removed from it and hold that. Now let it go, open your hand!

How much energy and strength did it take to hold your hand that tightly?

How free and easy did it feel to let go?

The restriction and tension you felt as you held your hand is what Satan and the world intend for your life to be like, but the freedom you felt when you let go is how God intended for your life to be.

When we love, when we give and ask nothing in return, when we live to see others smile, happy, or a peace, then are we truly free!

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