Series: “The More You Take The Less You Have”

Part Four- “Takers Have Nothing To Offer Except The Tangible”

March 20, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: James 1:5-8


We live in a day when one is often asked, “what do you bring to the table?” Many people are more interested in what you have to offer them, than what they can offer to you.


In Luke we are warned that when we give it shall be given back to us, and in Acts that sentiment is echoed reminding us that it is more blessed to give than to receive.


All our existence is comprised of relationships with others. Every aspect of human life will, in some way, correspond with that of others. As a result, it behooves us to learn to give the appropriate care and concern to the well-fare of others.

However, the world has adopted a philosophy which is counter-intuitive to this fact. The world has convinced people that the best course of actions is one that leads us to look out for ourselves, even if it is to the detriment of others. As Jesus once predicted, the love of man has indeed waxed, or grown cold.

We watch people suffering because of corporations stealing, moving jobs overseas, and flat out refusing to do the right thing. Poverty has become more rampant in this country than almost ever. Hatred, indifference to violence, and brutality have become common place in society.

If this is all we can expect of our society, then individuals will certainly continue to mimic this same sentiment. As this occurs the downfall of this country is inevitable.

But why has such a thing occurred; you might ask?

  1. Inevitably, “Takers” will have nothing to offer except tangible things
    1. They have spent their life learning only to take.
    2. They have spent no time developing character
      1. Accepting responsibility for wrongdoing
        1. Takers only blame others
      2. Frequent or constant bad attitudes or behavior
        1. Too lazy/selfish to account for their wrong
        2. Not willing to accept accountability
        3. Never see how they are ruining their relationships
        4. Waste intimacy time with dysfunctional attitudes
        5. Usually, can only have decent relationships with children
          1. Children overlook bad behavior
          2. Children don’t demand accountability
  • Learning to sacrifice and the joy it brings to do for others
    1. It takes special character to enjoy doing for others
  1. Humbling themselves and placing the needs of others first without murmuring, complaining, or refusing.
    1. Complaint expresses insincere desire (don’t do it)
      1. Don’t do things you don’t desire to do!


We each have a choice as to how we will respond. We have a choice as to whether we give or take!

There are results, as seen above that will come from these choices. As the Bible warns us, if we choose wisdom then we choose life!

However, if we choose self, well then death, loneliness, heartache, and doom are the ending we should expect.

We shall reap what we sow! Everyone!

I urge you to choose wisdom. Choose Christ! Choose an abundant life!

It is, after all, your choice!!!

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