Series: “The More You Take The Less You Have”

Part Five - "Takers Lack Humility"

March 27, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Psalms 37:1-15


Humility is a very precious commodity these days. Pride rules, of our societies. Humility, itself, today is seen as a weakness, rather than an esteemed virtue.


It is a sign of the end of times when society no longer sees value in virtues, but in a backward common sense! We don’t have to apart from God’s Word, if we seek him in earnest.


There is a saying, “A closed fist can neither lose nor receive anything!”

The scripture today reminds us that the wiser path is that of giving, and not of taking! All takers will see the same end. (See Psalms 73 & 37 in that order)

There are many reasons that “Takers” continue to take, rather than to give:

  1. Takers lack the humility to cultivate a relationship with God
    1. Humility teaches us to view our failures realistically
      1. Humility shows us our short comings
      2. Humility forces us to be honest about who we are
  • Humility make salvation possible through truth
  1. Salvation is impossible without truth John 10:10
  1. Knowing I fail can teach me to rely upon God
  2. Delusions of power or perfection shift our respect for God
    1. If we believe ourselves capable, then we don’t need God
  3. Once we fail, we seek coping mechanisms/vices rather than God
    1. Drug use becomes a vice to forget our failures
    2. Sex is used to distract the mind
  • Violence is employed to cover up anger/hurt
  1. Gathering things takes our mind off our limitations
  2. Hurting others, the way we hurt, gives us solice

Though we don’t realize it we need God.

Takers cannot exhibit humility, which is the cornerstone of submission to God. We can’t see God, nor be in relationship with him without understanding ourselves to be weak, failed, fragile people. (John 10:10)

If we trust in ourselves too much it will ultimately destroy us through pride. All of our strength comes from God, and relationship with him. Consider the weaknesses of all who lack relationship with God. What do they employ to compensate for that lack, but employ the vices mentioned?

Each of those vices serve as a mind-numbing activity to douse the flames of reality’s fire, washing away all hopes, dreams, expectations, and basic understanding of what life should be.

This is a call to action! A call to repentance, obedience, and renouncing of the things of this world! A righting of the course/path of Salvation for some.

Acts 20:35 states:

35 I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

The church of Old, the original church, supported its community. While a portion of this was financial support, it is important to recall that they shared everything from finances to food, land, as well as cooking and praying for each other.

Everything was equally distributed among the Believers, no taking, just giving!

Understand the social landscape of that day:

  • Believers were rejected/excommunicated from the General Judeao Society
  • They were disowned/disinherited from families
  • Many lost everything that they had becoming Believers

The Church was a true family who met the needs of all believers. They didn’t just give money, but they gave time, resources, expertise, they gave of themselves.

Disagreements were to be handled immediately, and if not, brought to Elders to oversee the outcome and restoring of relationship according to the Word.

Paul spoke in Galatians and Corinthians about being careful of how believers treat one another with love and prefer each other.

People who give are emotionally free. Thy are stronger, and frankly they generally require much less assistance from others than those who take.

Think of Takers you know. Where would they be without those they have stolen from? Now contemplate how many you know that think of them fondly?

II Cor 5:17 says: Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:

I John 4:8 tells us: He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

As we can see from these scriptures:

  1. Becoming a Believer should change us
  2. That change should include love for others, as God is a loving God!
  3. Without these things occurring, we are not part of the Body of Christ.

God is free and at peace because he has no restrictions upon him! He loves, gives, works, and decides freely in righteousness! This is the life he promised for us if we obey him! This is the life he is trying to give to you!


What will your legacy in this world be?

Will you have added something positive, special, resilient to this world, or will you be among a long line of forgotten people?

Will you leave a positive imprint on the lives of those who knew you, or will they be pleased or indifferent when you depart?

Will people remember you for all that you added to their lives, or how much you took from them?

Will you have found humility, or died in your selfish pride?

Most of all, will you have lived a life that allows you to see God in peace?

Don’t make an enemy out of God!


To fill up, you must first empty, and to grab you must first let go!

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