Series: It's A Family Affair

"Women Do You Really Want To Be Loved?"

May 15, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Proverbs 31:10


  • Woman was created to be a man’s “Help Meet
    • Wives are meant to help man manage their families
    • To help ensure family’s salvation, not hinder it
    • Eve went outside of her marriage and received false counsel
      • God had already directed His will through Adam
      • Eve then left her rightful position as “Help Meet”
      • She introduced sin into her relationship
    • Many women endeavor to disprove, debunk, lead, defeat, out do, control, and disrespect men
    • They are content being a thorn in the side, or a fly in the ointment.
    • Wives, like husbands, are also out of position.

Godly Ladies, do you not desire a better life with deeper, more fulfilling relationships filled with love, joy, peace, and hope?

Is it odd that God didn’t ask women to love their husbands, but instead to respect them?  No, to a man, showing respect is the deepest form of real love!

  • “Men don’t want to come home to a Pitbull!”
  • Men want to come home to a purring Kitten!

When my wife purrs, she gets what she wants. When she barks, she gets “Me!”

It’s your job to pray for him! It’s God’s job to fix him, and to fix you as well!

Satan instituted the “Battle of the Sexes”, we simply gave it a name!

So, why didn’t Eve simply listen to her husband? She was busy listening to Satan!

  • Battle of the Sexes
    • Men against women, women against men
    • Woman chose to defy God by defying her husband
      • This spirit is dominant in male female relationships today
    • Do men see you as the enemy because you act that way?
      • Do women ignore their men? (don’t perjure yourselves)
    • Feminist Era (women don’t need men)
      • Women no longer want protection
      • Women want to stand toe to toe with men today
        • If I don’t have to protect you then you are no longer special
        • Today’s women want to be men/combative
        • Want benefits without responsibility (alimony/child support)
      • Combative women are like men to a man (so what happens?)
        • Now we see you as our adversary, a combatant with a cookie
        • Easy to cheat on, abuse, dismiss or leave a combative woman
      • Men are not here to outshine women, nor women men!
        • We were meant to achieve together, hand in hand

Body: Woman came from man’s side (walk with him) not in front, or behind

  • Respect your husband above all others (especially other men)
    • Never respect anyone over your husband, save God
      • To a man, this is a sign of complete disrespect
      • Your husband will never believe you love him
      • Trust issues will immediately ensue
      • Most check out of the relationship right then!
    • Never stand with others against your husband (especially men)
      • He will look to replace you with someone who doesn’t
      • You have told him that he has little worth in your eyes
      • You have pushed him into the arms of another
    • Do not speak to your husband with disrespect (especially publicly)
      • This communicates that he isn’t a real man in your eyes
    • Don’t try to control or rule over your husband
      • Some men let you have the reigns so you can fall
        • Some do it to avoid your wrath (complaining)
        • Some do it to keep peace “Happy Wife, Happy Life”
      • Stop using the “Cookie”, withholding sex to manipulate men
        • You induce the idea of cheating
          • Other women are more noticeable
          • Thoughts of sex with others occurs
          • You cause other women to be more attracted to him
            • Women can smell lack of cookie on men
            • If you won’t then she will!
          • You make yourself less valuable to the man
          • You introduce Satan into your relationship

Oxytocin is a hormone released during sexual intercourse which causes or drives the bonding process and desire to embrace.

  • Refusing sexual intimacy with your spouse
    • Becomes self-sabotaged (denying themselves release of oxytocin)
    • Embraces and intimacy to strengthen their marriages

This is linked to consistent feelings of anger, frustration, and aloofness. This condition is a precursor to marital problems and divorce.

Feelings of unfulfilled love, frustration, anger, and suspicion of infidelity could possibly be explained by your own self-sabotage.

I Cor 6:17

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

I Cor 7:3-5

Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.

The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.

Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.

Defraud: to deny one’s spouse sexual relations

“Love Language” ideology applies to both the male and female. It was not written merely for the female!

Whether it is sexual, material, intimacy, affection, etc.. You are to do it the way he/she wishes, and not the way you wish to do it for them!

If you don’t do this, then whatever you do is seen as a disrespect! It can’t be received well! You failed to do what I like/love! There is aggression associated with that response.

  • If you know your husband likes something, why would you give him something other than what/the way he likes, in the bedroom, or in anything else?
    • Both I Cor 6:17 & I Cor 7:3-5 addresses it from God’s perspective
    • Are you obeying God, or doing what you wish?
  • Not in a relationship with a man
    • I am a lesbian
      • Failed relationships with men
        • Blame all men for the actions of one/some
        • Men cheat
        • Men won’t work
        • Men don’t lead
      • What part did you play?
        • I.D. Syndrome (Damsel In Distress)
        • What are your real character traits?
        • Are you self-destructive?
        • Self-sabotage (relationships, life, work)
      • I choose to be alone
        • See above issues

Man came first, and even named his gift from God, but it is not enough to be referred to as a gift.

Wives your conduct must substantiate the reference, or you a merely a female!

Just as every man is not a king, every woman is not a queen, nor does she carry herself as such!

Challenging your husband because you don’t feel he is right, qualified, or godly is not living according to God’s Word ladies.

  • According to the word, the man is still the head of the wife.
    • You married him and following him was part of the deal.
  • Pray that God deals with him
    • It’s up to God to help and or fix a spouse
    • We should strive to be close to God
      • The above issues are an example of why this is true

If you feel challenging your husband, you must search yourself as to why.


God created woman as the compliment to man! (Built to work together)

There is nothing more majestic than a Godly family centered in righteousness and cloaked in God’s Spirit!

Grievances with our spouse must be handled through God, and not through our flesh!

Trust God to fix your husband, and to fix you in the process!

Face it, men and women lie to get and keep the other interested! Men and Women cheat! Men and Women! There is no “Perfect Women” nor man!

When you discover your spouse’s weaknesses you have discovered your own! It is a weakness to search for the weakness of others, it’s called being judgmental!

Think about that!

Who wants to please God!!! I do!!!! Do you?

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