Series: It's A Family Affair

Humble, Godly People Produce Strong Families

May 01, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Ephesians 5:21-26

Introduction (Oops): 1) Why is the family failing in this day and age?

  • Satan’s main agenda is to destroy us by attacking our family:
    • John 10:10, “The thief cometh not but for to steal,..”
      • He will use any underhanded measure possible
    • The family represents our support network
      • Encouragement, acceptance, loyalty
    • If our Support fails, it can be catastrophic for us
      • Attacking one’s family breaks an entire unit at once
      • Every member under attack shares the experience
      • One by one the family falls apart

Proposition (Ugh): 2) The world is driven by pride and selfish motives.

  • Evil Societal Influences
    • Battle of the Sexes
    • Discipling children (Child Abuse)
      • The U.S. has gone far right to control Child Abuse
    • Keeping up with the Joneses
    • Homosexuality/Trans genderism
    • Its your thang do what you wanna do
    • What have you done for me lately
    • Unity is not the narrative, “Self” is.
  • Society contradicts cooperation by pushing “Self”

The Bible warns us that our pride brings about our destruction and a haughty spirit precedes our fall/demise.

What then will be the fate of those around us as we fall?  Will they suffer a similar fate?  Think, for a moment, upon any story that you have heard of someone’s downfall.  What toll did it have upon their family?  Sometimes not even our friends, and neighbors are not safe from the wrath of fate!


Body (Aha): 3) Let’s look at God’s intentions for family

God provides very distinct instruction regarding the conduct of each family member.  As we function within the parameters of our responsibility the family unit can thrive.  There is peace, harmony, love, laughter, and joy.  However, there is real danger in walking outside of God’s Plan. 

“We are his people and the sheep of his pasture”, says the psalmist.  While the psalmist was exhorting us to praise God in this scripture, they also make a compelling point concerning our origin, and God’s knowledge and authority. God made us, and as a result he knows what will work, and what will fail!

When we live according to the world’s failed standards our home tarts to reflect a worldly, failed condition!  We look just like everyone else!

  • Man was created first in order to learn to lead.
  • Woman was created to walk by his side as a teammate
    • Not subordinate
    • Not as his Mother/ruler
  • Children were to be a product of successful obedience to God
    • Our children reflect our response to God’s commands
      • Good children reflect balance, obedience, peace
      • Troubled children, troubled environment
    • Ultimately Adam’s time with God reflects our time with God prior to marriage.
      • If single life is spent growing in Christ, you make a good spouse
      • If not, you invite all negative spiritual influences into your family life
      • Being single is the chance to become the ideal spouse
        • Dedication to God leads to marital dedication
        • Dedication to self leads to disaster

Whee: 4) Successful families are built on sacrifice and cooperation

God provided a receipt for a strong, successful family.  When a family follows God’s Design, you will never be unsuccessful.  The problem is that most families err from the guidance God gave and the toxicity and dysfunction that occurs is as a result of that failure.


So, what is the Blueprint that God provided for the family?

  1. Absolute obedience to God’s Word/Guidance by all
  2. Man must lead in perfect obedience to God (seek God)
    1. Live according to God’s Word
    2. Treat your wife with unconditional love
    3. Discipline your children with and show love
    4. Be the leader and protector of your family
  3. Wife must follow God’s Word in perfect obedience
    1. Live according to God’s Word
    2. Treat husband with total respect (respect=love)
    3. Walk in unity with husband on household rules
    4. Be the nurturer and glue of family
  4. Children must follow God’s Word in perfect obedience
    1. Live according to the Word of God
    2. Treat parents with appropriation and respect
    3. Adhere to the household rules

God gave the rules and responsibilities to Adam in Gen 2.  It was not until Adam stopped obeying God that sin entered the world.

Woman went against her husbands wishes, and at that point created the battle of the sexes, which still rages on today.

The child proved unappreciative of God and showed wrath with a sibling because God rejected his meaningless gesture.

Yeah:   5) Trust and dedication to one’s relationship with God produces the character to build a strong family life.

Above all things, we must learn to value our relationship with God.  It is through this relationship that we learn to value others, and the things that are done on our behalf.

If we trust God, then we know that his Word’s purpose is to steer us in the right direction.

  • Loving and honoring family and others
  • Holy behavior toward others
  • Forgiveness and repentance


Use PT “Mission Statement”

If we want to protect and cover our families, ensure peace and prosperity, as well as create godly, nurturing environments we must follow God.

All family members have a responsibility to obedience o the Word, and it is through honoring this responsibility that we develop godly homes.

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