Series: It's A Family Affair

“Children Your Lives Are At Risk!”

May 22, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Genesis 4:3-5

Introduction: “Parents Just Don’t Understand”

I am going to make a disclaimer to you children very vaguely/generally this morning. In truth, not everyone makes a good parent. However, as your parents they are owed a certain respect regardless of that fact.

You owe respect to the people who brought you into this world. It could have been different!

Children, in this generation especially, don’t want to listen, or to follow directions. In most cases children believe that parents can’t relate to their lives. We are too old! What children don’t realize is that we have seen what they are facing before.

Today children face different sets of pressures, depending upon where they grow up, but there are more similarities than differences between parents and children.

Peer pressure, or the desire to fit in to a group, has always been an issue for most people, adult, and adolescent. This same issue often comes with many derivatives.

  • Peer pressure tends to influence:
    • Drug use
    • Smoking/drinking alcohol
    • Sexual activity/promiscuity
    • Defiance of authority figures
    • Be funny or cool, and not smart
    • Infidelity
    • Cheating/lying

Let’s start with this thought:

Children, what part of the mortgage/rent do you pay? How many bills do you pay in the home? When was the last time that you bought groceries with your own money? Even your allowance is provided for you without you truly earning it.

This line of questioning is necessary to promote/invoke sober thought. The point of the questions above is that without the aid of your parents, where would you live? How would you eat, buy clothing, or even get around?

If you need something, who do you call? It ain’t the Ghost Busters! If you are in trouble, who do you expect to help you? When you are hungry, desire something, or are afraid, who do you call? Your Parents!

There is little relevance between your parents understanding your world today, and you being obedient to those charged with looking out for your well fare.


Children are supposed to be a blessing, which should be reflected by continuing to follow God in obedience. Which you can’t do without respecting parents.

Children are inevitably product of success/failure of Husband and Wife working together and hopefully following God.

However, sometimes, all though a child grew up with discipline they often choose to rebel against their parents teaching.

A great example of this is the expose’s that have been done on childhood stars, musical and otherwise. Some children came from bad homes, in which case we look at the parenting, or lack thereof that they received. Still others came from religious backgrounds, but still forfeited that teaching and their lives had tragic ends.

Cain had been taught, by his parents, to look after his younger brother Abel. This fact is reflected in his answer when God asked where his brother was. (See Gen 4:9) It was a question had answered in the past.

Cain failed to build a relationship with God predicated upon obedience and love, which is why his attitude was poor. Cain asked God Almighty, “Am I my brother’s keeper!” Bad attitude, entitled, and selfish spirit.

The Children of Israel who adults over the age of 20 yrs were not able to enter into the Promised Land because of their disobedience, failure, and choosing to sin.

Jacob’s twin brother Esau forwent his birthright for a morsel of food.

You are in danger of losing your lives and your souls when you choose disobedience as your response to your parents’ wishes.

Parents provide instructions so that you can learn how to gauge dangerous situations on your own.

Disobedience is a display of your lack of understanding, which is scary for parents.

Take any of the aforementioned forms of peer pressure above. Each has its own way of possibly causing catastrophic events to occur in your lives.

  • Drug use (Homelessness)
    • Brain damage
    • Kidney failure
    • Cancers/Body damage (death)
  • Smoke/drink alcohol
    • Sclerosis of the liver
    • Cancer
    • Alcoholism
  • Sexual activity/promiscuity
    • Sexual Transmitted diseases (death)
    • Children out of wedlock
    • Flunking out of school
  • Defiance of authority figures (talking back, smart mouth, slow to respond)
    • Death
    • Jail Time
    • Homelessness
  • Be funny or cool, and not smart
  • Infidelity
  • Cheating/lying

In the end, your so-called friends are being manipulated by Satan and the Dark Kingdom. They aren’t your friend if they encourage you to disobey, or to do wrong.

Love protects, it doesn’t harm, lure into darkness, or misuse!


Don’t believe that your parents want anything except the best for you.

Obedience to God and to your parents will bring a protective covering, as well as blessing to your life.

Remember, all who sin are the enemies of God, therefore he has no obligation to protect, nor provide for them.

Respecting your parents illustrates you level of understanding of God expectations, as well as your parents’.

Honoring your mother and father is the first commandment given with a promise of long life and protection!

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