Series: True Isarelites?

"Who Are You - True Israelites?" Part VII

November 17, 2024 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Deuteronomy 28:15

Lesson# 7:

Read: Jer 16:10-19, 17:1-4, Isa 11:10-12

Why is there distinction between Negroes and Africans:

Blatant racism and hatred have always betrayed their lies.

Race didn’t exist until whites wanted to be placed above “Blacks” and used as justification for animalistic treatment of human beings beginning as early as.

As a result, that same distinction provides the breadcrumbs, if you will, to discovering who the True Israelites are.

**Black Ladinos (Spanish: negros ladinos) were Hispanicized black Ladinos, exiled to Spanish America after having spent time in Spain. They were referred to as negros ladinos ("cultivated" or "latinized Blacks"), as opposed to negros bozales ("uneducated Blacks"), i.e. those captured “in Africa”.

**Names Analysis Report:

The English meaning of Negro is Black, dark.
The Surname Negro is of Portuguese, Spanish origin.
There are many indicators that the name Negro may be of Jewish origin, emanating from the Jewish communities of Spain and Portugal.

The Christianized Blacks mentioned in the sixteenth-century documents issued in Spain, La Española and the rest of the Spanish empire were known as ladinos, and the term referred in general to the Blacks who were familiar in general with the religion, cultures, and languages of Castile or Portugal (either because of having been born and raised in those territories or due to long contact with or exposure to these cultures). Conversely those Blacks with no familiarity with the Iberian cultures and languages, typically those brought straight from Africa, were called bozales. As indicated here, during these first years of the colonization, the Spanish Crown tried to limit the arrival of Blacks into the Americas to ladinos, but the restriction lasted only a short time.

“How did these people come to be in Spain?”:

The settlement of Jews in the Iberian Peninsula is very ancient. Don Isaac Abarbanel, the 15th-century leader of Spanish Jewry, wrote that Babylonian conqueror Nebuchadnezzar brought Jews to Spain as slaves after the First Temple’s destruction.

The earliest documented history of Spanish Jewry dates back at least 2,000 years to when the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem and took tens of thousands of Jews with them back to Europe, some of whom settled in Spain. Very little is known regarding these early Jewish settlements.

In 711 C.E., Muslim soldiers known as Moors crossed over from North Africa to the Iberian Peninsula. They were led by General Tariq ibn Ziyad, who advanced his army of nearly ten thousand men across the strait and landed at a location he called Jabal Tariq (Mount Tarik), today known as Gibraltar. The Moors engaged in battle with the Christian Visigoth soldiers and eventually killed their monarch, King Roderick, thus beginning Muslim rule in Spain.

Since the Christians had persecuted the Jews so severely, the Jews welcomed the Muslim conquerors in the 8th century, so much so that it was said that the Jewish population of Toledo “opened the gates” of the city and welcomed the Muslim invaders. Incredibly, the conquered cities of Córdoba, Málaga, Granada, Seville, and Toledo were, for a time, even placed under the control of the Jewish inhabitants that the Moorish invaders had armed.

Although the Arabs had successfully conquered Spain, they did not have the skill sets to effectively form a government or social infrastructure for their new land. Therefore, they assigned the Jews leadership roles in governing, investment, and policymaking, conditional on the Jews recognizing their subservience to their Arab leaders. Some of the highest-ranking officials of Spain at this time were Jews.

The conditions in Spain improved so much under Muslim rule that Jews from Europe and North Africa came to live in Spain during this Jewish renaissance. It became the largest Jewish community in the world. Thus began the period known as the Golden Age of Spain. (“The Tragic History of the Jews of Spain”)

End of the Golden Age

Notwithstanding the Jews’ success and prosperity under Muslim rule, the Golden Age of Spain began to decline as the Muslims battled the Christians (The Holy Wars) for control of the Iberian Peninsula and Spanish kingdoms. Although Islamic rule continued in large parts of Spain, the Peninsula was divided into numerous small Muslim kingdoms, each with its own ruler, and these small kingdoms began fighting among themselves. Once the Muslims were no longer united, the Christian (Whites of Europe) armies gained a foothold on the Peninsula, eventually leading to the collapse of Moorish supremacy.

**After Christian victory followed the Spanish Inquisition, where Jews were now openly persecuted, murdered, forced to convert, and exiled. This led to the Slave Colonies in West Africa and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.

Jews were now sent to Africa and all over the world as slaves. Note the term “Negro” is Spanish in origin! That reference was originally meant for Jews, thusly why Negroes and Africans are different groups of people today. (See definition above Negros Ladinos, which originally applied to Ladinos only)

For reasons above we were categorized as “Negro” and nor African!

African Americans Connection to Mesopotamia – Accurate Map of Negroland:

An Israeli state was established, once again in the 1950’s by Ashkenazi Khazars. The same group who helped finance the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.

In 1965 the President of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein said he could not respect or accept the Jews in Israel because they left Israel Black, but they returned white!

While Israelites are not Canaanite people, they resemble them, both in look and language. (See discussions concerning Joseph and Moses in Kemet, Hyksos)

We would be better identified as Shemitic/Shemite, of the descendants of Shem. While Ethiopian/African, still a different North Eastern family subgroup. The descendants of Shem, while Egyptians are descendants of Ham, as are Canaanites.

Afro-Asiatic: Noun- Formerly Hamito-Semitic, a family of languages including as subfamilies Semitic, Egyptian, Berber, Cushitic, and Chadic. (Descendants of Ham, which are not white)

Adjective- of, belonging to, or pertaining to Afroasiatic. (See Noah’s descendants)


  • relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic
  • relating to the peoples who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.


Mizrahim: (Hebrew/Aramaic) – name of Egypt

Meaning burnt face or black

Kemet: (Ancient Egyptian name for Egypt)

land of the blacks meaning egypt and all of africa. the land where the original people (black people) started their civilizations.

Ham: (Noah’s son) hot

Kemet and Ham are the same words in Hebrew, which defines the coloring of the people of Egypt.

Why does the media depict African Americans as bad, menacing, or in a demonizing fashion in most cases? We are portrayed as entertainment, or criminals almost exclusively.

In order to control the narrative, and make others believe the deception of theirs and our identities, they must represent us as beneath them and others. This prevents the discovery of truth from being perceived as likely to be accurate.

 See also as references:

 “The Thirteenth Tribe” (Arthur Koestler) a Caucasian account of true Khazar origin proving Modern day Jews (Ashkenazi), including those occupying Israel are not Israeli in heritage (Volga Caucasus- Arian – Descendants of Japheth, not Shem)

We should not find this surprising since Caucasians have been held as Historians and keepers of scripture for thousands of years now.


See following publications:

“The Invention of The Jewish People” (Shlomo Sand)

“From Babylon To Timbuktu” (Rudolph R, Windsor)

“Société Languedocienne De Geographie” (University of Montepellier)

 “Anacalypsis”, Godfrey Higgins

“The Earth and Its Inhabitants”, Élisée Reclus

“The Black Jews of Africa” (History, Religion, Identity) by Edith Bruder

Note: Article by Addison Sarter 9/7/2020

“The Bible is Black History”, Dr. Theron D. Williams

“Unmasking The Gentiles” The European Plot To Replace Israel, Dante Fortson

“The Great Awakening”, Jacqueline A. French

Commandments: Deut 5:6-21

“The Jews of Spain And Portugal And the Inquisition” by Frederic David Mocatta

“Putting The Indices Into Practice: censoring science in early Modern Portugal” by Francisco Malta Romerias (wiping out the hereditary lines of Israel)

“Reclaiming The Throne” by Joshua Cullins (Documentary on Tubi)


Acts 13:1

Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.

African Americans and People of Ethiopia/Africa today are referred to as “nigger”! This word has its base in Simeon’s reference “Niger”, which is a term the Romans coined and used. Who then today uses this as a frame of reference? Europeans!


The media is controlled by the Ashkenazi Jews (Converts/Khazars). They realize that we must be reunited with God to reclaim our heritage, protection, and blessings.

These Jews actually referred to themselves as Caucasian and Ashkenazim, which means they are of the line of Japheth (See Gen 10:2-5)! This naturally disqualifies them as Semitic, as does the definition.

Media controls music, movies, news, and all entertainment. They keep our people mentally enslaved so that we never reclaim our relationship with God!

This is the reason that Negro people, especially in the US are depicted as such uncivilized peoples.

Superimposing the attributes of Slave Traders and Owners onto that of Negroes establishes the others as innocent of the barbarism they committed.

They also try to convince us that embracing capitalism and denying God’s Way is the key to gain prosperity and peace. The truth is that this is a Satanic ideology that will leave you disconnected from our God and enslaved to sin and covetousness.

God is allowing these discussions to become worldwide because he wants us to awaken from slavery, mentally and otherwise.

Luke 21 speaks of a prophecy regarding the people of Judah returning home after the Gentiles have been destroyed/removed.

As such, the current so-called Jews cannot be Israelites because they inhabited Israel prior to the Gentiles being destroyed/removed.

Again, Luke speaks of Global Captivity which involves being transported by Slave Ships, which coincides with that of Deuteronomy 28:68. Only one group (those of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade) meet this description.

There was never a period in Caucasian Judeo history when such a thing as described in Deuteronomy 28:15-68 occurred.

Return of Israel in the Bible:

Ez. 37:21-23, Joel 3, Lk 21:20-24, Matt 24, Rev 2:9, 3:9, Jer 16:10-19, 17:1-4, 23:30-31, 33, Isa 11:10-12, 41:1, 49:1, 8-13, Hosea 11:10

The implications behind Negros being Israelites, and not African:

  1. If Negroes are not African but are Israelites, then The U.S. knew they enslaved Israelites from the beginning.
    1. Nebuchadnezzar and Titus of Rome exiled Israelites out of Judah and into the Iberian Peninsula. (Destruction of 1st and 2nd Temples)
    2. Spaniards sold the Negros exiled from the Iberian Penisula into slavery in the U.S., as well as every other nation.
  2. The Spaniards also knew who they sold into slavery.
    1. Spaniards established the “Slave Coast” as one of the places of exile for Israelites/Judah. (Slave Colony established)
    2. Kingdom of Juda, “Whidah”, Yah/Yahweh is the name the Spaniards gave to the “Slave Coast”, which it was also referred as in Europe.
  3. Islam was originally an Ethiopian/African religion, as were the people of the entire area of the Levant/Canaanite Territory and Mesopotamia.
  4. Christianity is a Judeo/Black religion.
  5. All major religions are, in fact, Black in origin.
    1. Judaism (True Israelites)
    2. Christianity (Messianic Jews)
    3. Islam (Ishmael)
  6. We have a rich culture that is purposefully hidden to help mentally subjugate generations of our people.
  7. The fear remains that you should ever awaken from your slumber!


In truth, the only people who can lay claim to Israeli origin are those who can match genetics with the skulls and remains of Israelites.

Geneticists today link the Ashkenazi to those currently occupying Israel, which works in favor of those in power. Those people aren’t original Israelites, so that DNA isn’t the DNA you need to match with. Th remains of original peoples, such as the bodies found when the Romans destroyed Judah, are the remains with true Israeli genetic markers.

To have Israeli origin you must be of Kemet/African. How can your people be European, but your origin be Kemet? You cannot be Semite if you aren’t Afro-Asiatic!

Return of Isarel:

Book of Obadiah

Pslams 137

Psalms 83

Duet 30:1-6

Hosea 4:6

Luke 21:20-24

Scriptures that depict Israelites as Melanated.

  • Gen 2:8-14; The Garden of Eden is in Africa (directions reversed)
  • Gen 11:26; Abram is the son of Terah from the Land of The Chaldees.
  • Gen 11:28, 31;15:7; Abram was from Ur of the Chaldees (Black People).
  • Gen 42:7-8; Joseph is mistaken for a Hyksos ruler (1638 – 1530 BCE).
  • Gen 50:11; Israelites mistaken for Egyptians during Jacob’s Funeral Procession.
  • Ex 1:8; Egyptian Rule overtakes Hyksos and regain Egypt.
    • Israelites were favored by the past invaders of Egypt (Hyksos).
  • Ex 2:6-10; Moses is taken to be raised as an Egyptian (1391 BCE).
  • Ex 4:6-7; Moses’ hand turns “leprous (white) as snow” and is restored.
  • Ps 105:23, 27; Egypt is noted as the “Land of Ham” father of African Nations
  • Acts 21:38 – Paul is mistaken for an Egyptian.
  • Matt 8:3 – Leprosy deemed unclean.
  • Matt 2:13-14; Joseph, Mary, and Yashua hide from Herod in Egypt.
  • Rev 2:9, 3:9 Jews are not Israelites

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