Series: True Isarelites?
"Who Are You - True Israelites?" Part IV
October 27, 2024 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.
Passage: Deuteronomy 28:15
African Americans Connection to Mesopotamia – Accurate Map of Negroland:
An Israeli state was established, once again in the 1950’s by Ashkenazi Khazars.
In 1965 the President of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein said he could not respect or accept the Jews in Israel because they left Israel Black, but they returned white!
While Israelites are not Canaanite people, they resemble them, both in look and language.
Negroes are better identified as Semitic/Shemite, of the descendants of Shem. While Ethiopian, still a different family subgroup. The descendants of Shem, while Egyptians are descendants of Ham, as are Canaanites.
Afro-Asiatic: Noun- Formerly Hamito-Semitic, a family of languages including as subfamilies Semitic, Egyptian, Berber, Cushitic, and Chadic. (Descendants of Ham, which are not white)
Adjective- of, belonging to, or pertaining to Afroasiatic. (See Noah’s descendants)
- relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic
- relating to the peoples who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.
Mizrahim: (Hebrew/Aramaic) – name of Egypt
Meaning burnt face or black
Kemet: (Ancient Egyptian name for Egypt)
land of the blacks meaning egypt and all of africa. the land where the original people (black people) started their civilizations.
Ham: (Noah’s son) hot
Kemet and Ham are the same words in Hebrew, which defines the coloring of the people of Egypt.
In Exodus 2:19 Moses was described as an Egyptian.
19 And they said, An Egyptian delivered us out of the hand of the shepherds, and also drew water enough for us, and watered the flock.
Laban : Albino African (white) (Laban being the name of Jacob's Uncle)
Why is this important? Because this refutes the normalize belief of who the original people of Northern Ethiopia/Africa and the Middle East Ethiopia/Africa are.
This definition brings to light the definition Semitic above. These two tied together make it irrefutable that the original people were Dark. This proves that the present people invaded the lands at some point and attempted to wipe out the true culture and origin of the native peoples.
Why does that matter? Because if those people were originally Ethiopian, and not Caucasian/Ashkenazi Jews (Khazars), this sets the stage for and explains the true identity of those who occupy that land today and how they arrived there.
Again, Babbel is the current Egyptian Arabic Language (not original) defined as:
Despite the fact that it lacks "official status", Egyptian Arabic (Babbel, a spoken variant of the macrolanguage) is actually the most commonly spoken language in Egypt and is considered the de facto national language. Its current form is a mixture of Arabic, Coptic, Turkish, Ottoman, French and Italian influences. Meaning European influence!
Analyzing the New Accurate Map of Negroland reveals several things.
- This is a European Map, not derived by outside nations
- The Slave Coast is located in the area Caucasians refer to as Negroland
- The Kingdom of Juda is in the middle of this area
- Is the reference to Juda as clear identification of the people they enslaved being of the Tribe of Judah? (Where would this reference otherwise come from?)
- Khazars/ Eastern Europeans knew exactly who they were enslaving, people from the Religion they tried to force to be converted.
**Black Ladinos (Spanish: negros ladinos) were Hispanicized black Ladinos, exiled to Spanish America after having spent time in Spain. They were referred to as negros ladinos ("cultivated" or "latinized Blacks"), as opposed to negros bozales ("uneducated Blacks"), i.e. those captured in Africa.
The Christianized Blacks mentioned in the sixteenth-century documents issued in Spain, La Española and the rest of the Spanish empire were known as ladinos, and the term referred in general to the Blacks who were familiar in general with the religion, cultures, and languages of Castile or Portugal (either because of having been born and raised in those territories or due to long contact with or exposure to these cultures). Conversely those Blacks with no familiarity with the Iberian cultures and languages, typically those brought straight from Africa, were called bozales. As indicated here, during these first years of the colonization, the Spanish Crown tried to limit the arrival of Blacks into the Americas to ladinos, but the restriction lasted only a short time.
“How did these people come to be in Spain?”:
The settlement of Jews in the Iberian Peninsula is very ancient. Don Isaac Abarbanel, the 15th-century leader of “Spanish Jewry”, wrote that Babylonian conqueror Nebuchadnezzar brought Jews to Spain as slaves after the First Temple’s destruction.
The earliest documented history of Spanish Jewry dates back at least 2,000 years to when the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem and took tens of thousands of Jews with them back to Europe, some of whom settled in Spain. Very little is known regarding these early Jewish settlements.
In 711 C.E., Muslim soldiers known as Moors crossed over from North Africa to the Iberian Peninsula. They were led by General Tariq ibn Ziyad, who advanced his army of nearly ten thousand men across the strait and landed at a location he called Jabal Tariq (Mount Tarik), today known as Gibraltar. The Moors engaged in battle with the Christian Visigoth soldiers and eventually killed their monarch, King Roderick, thus beginning Muslim rule in Spain.
Since the Christians had persecuted the Jews so severely, the Jews welcomed the Muslim conquerors in the 8th century, so much so that it was said that the Jewish population of Toledo “opened the gates” of the city and welcomed the Muslim invaders. Incredibly, the conquered cities of Córdoba, Málaga, Granada, Seville, and Toledo were, for a time, even placed under the control of the Jewish inhabitants that the Moorish invaders had armed.
Although the Arabs had successfully conquered Spain, they did not have the skill sets to effectively form a government or social infrastructure for their new land. Therefore, they assigned the Jews leadership roles in governing, investment, and policymaking, conditional on the Jews recognizing their subservience to their Arab leaders. Some of the highest-ranking officials of Spain at this time were Jews.
The conditions in Spain improved so much under Muslim rule that Jews from Europe and North Africa came to live in Spain during this Jewish renaissance. It became the largest Jewish community in the world. Thus began the period known as the Golden Age of Spain. (“The Tragic History of the Jews of Spain”)
End of the Golden Age
Notwithstanding the Jews’ success and prosperity under Muslim rule, the Golden Age of Spain began to decline as the Muslims battled the Christians (The Holy Wars) for control of the Iberian Peninsula and Spanish kingdoms. Although Islamic rule continued in large parts of Spain, the Peninsula was divided into numerous small Muslim kingdoms, each with its own ruler, and these small kingdoms began fighting among themselves. Once the Muslims were no longer united, the Christian (Whites of Europe) armies gained a foothold on the Peninsula, eventually leading to the collapse of Moorish supremacy.
**After Christian victory followed the Spanish Inquisition, where Jews were now openly persecuted, murdered, forced to convert, and exiled. This led to the Slave Colonies in West Africa and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
Jews were now sent to Africa and all over the world as slaves. Note the term “Negro” is Spanish in origin! That reference was originally meant for Jews, thusly why Negroes and Africans are different groups of people today. (See definition above Negros Ladinos, which originally applied to Ladinos only)
Names Analysis Report:
The English meaning of Negro is Black, dark.
The Surname Negro is of Portuguese, Spanish origin.
There are many indicators that the name Negro may be of Jewish origin, emanating from the Jewish communities of Spain and Portugal.
**When the Romans conquered the Jewish nation in 70 CE, much of the Jewish population was sent into exile throughout the Roman Empire. Many were sent to the Iberian Peninsula. The approximately 750,000 Jews living in Spain in the year 1492 were banished from the country by royal decree of Ferdinand and Isabella. The Jews of Portugal, were banished several years later. Reprieve from the banishment decrees was promised to those Jews who converted to Catholicism. Though some converted by choice, most of these New-Christian converts were called CONVERSOS or MARRANOS (a derogatory term for converts meaning pigs in Spanish), ANUSIM (meaning "coerced ones" in Hebrew) and CRYPTO-JEWS, as they secretly continued to practice the tenets of the Jewish faith.
Now, let us revisit the curses spoken over Israel for disobedience in Duet 28 to parallel the Curse to African Americans.
After these thoughts are considered, reading the curses in Deut. 28 takes on new meaning, and becomes clearer.
What group of people in the entire world has a history which fits the description of people cursed in this fashion?
There is only one group of people in the world fitting this description. African Americans and those victims of the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade.
Spain & Portugal were a place of expulsion for Judah until the Catholic Church, Ferdinand and Isabella began the conversion by torture, persecution of and subsequent expulsion of them to West African Slave Colonies. It was after this that the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade began.
There is another “religious” battle called the “Holy Wars” which “ironically” took place around the same period where Black Arabs were being robbed of their land by some of the same people! All under the name of God and the guidance of the Catholic Church. See the parallel? All Black Peoples have been lied on and robbed of land.
“Leonardo da Vinci was employed by Cesare Borgia for about a year to work as an engineer and military architect, and there were rumors that they had a homosexual relationship. Cesare's father, Cardinal Rodrigo de Lanzol y Borgia, who later became Pope Alexander VI, schemed to have the Catholic Church accept his son's image as that of Jesus Christ.
― Aylmer Von Fleischer, “How Jesus Christ Became White”
Ceasear Borgia, Prince of Spain married his sister, and murdered his brother. Later committed suicide, and his father had a bust created of him. The portrait currently used to depict Christ is actually that of Borgia.