Series: True Isarelites?

"Who Are You - True Israelites?" Part II

October 13, 2024 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Deuteronomy 28:15


  1. Mesopotamia, Levant, Canaan = Middle East Africa
  2. Canaanites are non-Semitic people.
  3. Semitic People are defined as Afro-Asiatic (who’s in Middle East now).
  4. Ashkenazi Jews are converts from the Eastern European Nations (1400’s).
  5. Yiddish is a European dialect, not Hebrew.
  6. The peoples occupying Middle East Africa today are not Afro-Asiatic
  7. African Americans are not Canaanites but are Semitic.

These are the peoples of Canaanite descent.

  1. Sidonians – Lebanon
  2. Hittiteschildren of Heth - Canaan
  3. Jebusites - Canaan
  4. Amorites - Levant
  5. Girgashites - Canaan
  6. Hivites - Canaan
  7. Arkites - Lebanon
  8. Sinites - Lebanon
  9. Arvadites – Syria (island city)
  10. Zemarites – Coast of Syria
  11. Hamathites – Western Syria, Northern Lebanon


Canaanites are non-Semitic people of the Levant and Canaan Territories, bordering Mesopotamia.


  • relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
  • relating to the peoples who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

Our studies are devoted to the Holiness and relationship of Negro People to God! Our goal should be to become holy and separated, just as God intended us to be!

2 Chronicles 7:14

14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

So then, according to logic, if you must be Afro-Asiatic to be Semitic, then you cannot be Caucasian and be Semitic. Therefore, the Jews referring to themselves as Israelites cannot be Israelites because they are not Semitic it’s definition.

First, in all formal offices of government, IC, and defense, the “Middle East” is appropriately referred to by its correct name, “Middle East Africa/Ethiopia”.

Second, the Middle East was originally named/referred to as Mesopotamia. It was inhabited by peoples of Ethiopian/Alkebulan descent, as is reflected in the “ITE” designation of the tribes in the Bible. (See Jews of Bilad)

So, by applying logic we will:

  1. Prove the original land of the Israelites (Ur- Mesopotamia).
  2. Prove that the people indigenous to the Ur area are African.
  3. Prove that Egyptians resembled Israelites.
  4. Prove that Egyptians were African.
  5. Prove that Afro-Asiatic and Egyptian peoples looked alike.

 The Children of Israel clearly didn’t obey God:

  • 400 yrs of silence between Old & New Testament.
  • Most Israelites didn’t recognize the Messiah when he arrived.
  • The prophecy had been interpreted according to flesh and not the Spirit.
  • The New Testament shows the spread abroad even prior to Christ.
  • It was Israelites that crucified Jesus.


  1. Original Land of the Israelites:

Abram, Father of the Israelites was African/Ethiopian/Alkebulan (True name of continent):

Abraham was from the land of Ur, which is believed to be Mesopotamia, or Asia Minor. People from this area were referred to as Semitic by virtue of their language and complexion.

All the peoples of this land were known by the above designation of “ITE”, which referenced language and ethnicity.

 Common sense must rule here. Noah had one wife and three sons! All the children were born reflecting the mother and father’s nationality. No matter who settled where, the children of each started out looking similar. It was not until they moved to other regions that melanin began to lose its necessity. Ham’s children settled in Canaan and the Levant and began to spread out.

What does this tell you? The ethnic origin of all these people was the same, Ethiopian/African/Alkebulan.

Climate change induces genetic needs such as decreased melanin.

This truth preserves the theory that the lands were originally occupied by people of color, and were later invaded, thus marking the changes in complexion, etc.

  1. Mesopotamians were Ethiopian/African:

The Hyksos were a Semitic people from Mesopotamia who migrated to the Nile Delta region and invaded Egypt around the 18th century BC, that is, between 1900 and 1700 BC, at a time of internal crisis that allowed them to conquer the government of the Egypt, where they formed a dynasty. Once again:


  • relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
  • relating to the peoples who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

The original Semitics were clearly African/Ethiopian by definition, as the definition states Semite is an Afro-Asiatic family of peoples.

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