Series: True Isarelites?

"Who Are You - True Israelites?" Part I

October 06, 2024 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Deuteronomy 28:15

Lesson #1

Exodus 4:6-7

And the Lord said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow.

And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was “turned again as his other flesh”.

Red Pill or Blue Pill?

The Focal point of the Sermon/Lesson:

The objective of this lesson is to provoke and promote real thought, and a desire to study, not only the Word of God, but related topics that can possibly reveal additional information in connection with the Word of God.

It is through using this method that we are made privy to the untruths that have been communicated from generation to generation regarding our heritage. It also reveals why some people fight so hard to push their narratives, and make you believe that only what they say is cloaked in truth.

This is not intended to invoke hatred. We cannot see God in peace with hatred in our hearts. It is to challenge you to question things that just don’t make sense, like what African Americans have been taught to believe is their heritage and origin. We must not see discovery of our heritage as prejudice towards others.

There would be no benefit in telling you the truth about your origin, if it was the intent of slave owners to subjugate you forever. They couldn’t have the same hold over a group of people who would learn they had been removed from God’s Presence and simply needed to find their own way back to him through a true relationship, rather than the pagan religions you were introduced to.

In short, white supremacy would not benefit from Melanated Americans knowing they are lost tribes of Israel. Those who occupy Israel today would not have benefited, nor would they have been allowed, as Ashkenazi Jews, to establish an Israeli State in the 1950’s! They were aided by the United States of America.

But in the end, don’t take my word for it. After we conclude this study, go back and do research for yourself, beginning with the origin and ethnicity of the peoples of those lands! If you believe in the Word of God, then you know we all started out as and truly are one group, and we grew apart as we spread over the earth! The ancient peoples then were all Ethiopian, all of them! (Ex 4:6-7 above)

Count Constantine De Volney 1787:

“Just think”, “De Volney declared incredulously”, that this race of Black Men, today our slave and object of our scorn, is the very race to which we owe our arts, sciences, and even the very use of speech!”

Deuteronomy 28:

The whole of chapter 28th of Deuteronomy speaks of the blessings and curses that will befall God’s chosen people by virtue of obedience or disobedience to his commandments (See Commandments Deut 5:6-21). Verse 1-14 in Chapter 28 discuss the blessings and provisions that they would receive as result of their obedience.

In contrast, much like the blessings resulting from obedience, there are curses, many more, that will result from disobedience.

Several things are in question, and must be answered:

  1. Did the Israelites obey Hayah/God? (Why the 400 yrs of silence)
  2. If they did is there proof? (None)
  3. If not, what happened to the people? (The Curses of Deut 28:15-68)

African Americans aren’t Canaanites:

Historically, white supremacists have used the Curse of seed of Canaan to justify the abhorred subjugation, enslavement, and inhumane treatment of African Americans as the destiny of that people. Even if that were true, God never referred to those people as subhuman, but rather cursed. The subhuman treatment was due to the lack of civility of those who subjected those people to such treatment. Also, this referred to one group, not all Melanated peoples.

The word Canaanites serves as an ethnic catch-all term covering various indigenous populations—both settled and nomadic-pastoral groups—throughout the regions of the Southern Levant or Canaan.

So, when we are referred to as cursed people via the teachings of others, they are not entirely incorrect! Yet, the whole of Ethiopia/Africa is not cursed, and we are not a part of the Curse of Canaan, neither could we be, according to modern day geography, that is! The African American, but for different reasons than originally communicated, is in fact cursed because of our ancestors’ disobedience!

Therefore, it is not to be confused with the Curse of Canaan, the son of Ham. These are the peoples of Canaanite descent.

  1. Sidonians – Lebanon
  2. Hittiteschildren of Heth - Canaan
  3. Jebusites - Canaan
  4. Amorites - Levant
  5. Girgashites - Canaan
  6. Hivites - Canaan
  7. Arkites - Lebanon
  8. Sinites - Lebanon
  9. Arvadites – Syria (island city)
  10. Zemarites – Coast of Syria
  11. Hamathites – Western Syria, Northern Lebanon


Canaanites are non-Semitic people of the Levant and Canaan Territories, bordering Mesopotamia.

Mesopotamia, however, was the Land of the Chaldeans. These were Semitic peoples, not Canaan.

Therefore, people found in these areas today are Colonizers, not original people.

Act 7:2-4

And [a]Stephen said, “Listen to me, [b]brothers and fathers! The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in [c]Haran, and He said to him, ‘Go from your country and your relatives, and come to the land which I will show you.’ Then he left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in [d]Haran. And from there, after his father died, God had him move to this country in which you are now living. 

This scripture denotes, through our (Israeli) ancestry, that Israelites are Mesopotamian, or Chaldean people.

Stephen is clearly stating our heritage as Middle East African and Mesopotamian in origin.

Abraham people were Semitic, or Chaldean people from Middle East Africa.

Semitic: (Seed of Shem)

  • relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
  • relating to the peoples who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.

Consider this, it has been widely and generally well known that the Ethnic origin of all peoples of the Bible with an “ITE” at the end of their designated name are/were Ethiopian/African for certain. How then, are so many of the groups above today designated Caucasian not Ethiopian/African if their ethnicity was originally designated as African? How did that change? That’s just a thought to consider!

Ultimately, it is common knowledge that those who were cursed were clearly sons of Canaan, and therefore of African/Ethiopian descent. Yet, these groups today are identified, by so-called scholars, as European in descent. How is this possible then, except that through the colonization which took place during the reign of Alexander, the Romans, and so-called “Holy Wars”, as well as other expansions of European influence, these peoples were wiped out, and their land is now occupied by counterfeits! The same can be said for many other countries in what is now referred to as the “Middle East”!

In short, the people of Lebanon and Canaan would be the cursed people! But wait, who is occupying those lands today? They don’t look Afro-Asiatic, do they?

So, then the cursed people are either not Afro-Asiatic, or the cursed people no longer dwell in their homeland because it is occupied by people who invaded their land!

Once again, Israelites today are placed in the ethic group of whites, and for those in Israel today that is correct. They are Jews by way of conversion (1400’s A.D.), and not by heritage. They are of the Ashkenazi Jew heritage. An Israeli State established through the help of the U.S. in the 1950’s. Curious, isn’t it! Ashkenazi’s represent Eastern European descents who are thought to be descendant from Kharzas, a group from the Caucus Mountains which invaded the Fertile Crest and established a kingdom therein. Ashkenazi Jews speak Yiddish.

Ashkenaz was the son of Gomer, who was the son of Japheth! (Who is of the family of Japheth, whites, a gentile group Gen 10:1-5) Zeph 3:8-10

Yiddish language, one of the many Germanic languages that form a branch of the Indo-European language family. Yiddish is the language of the Ashkenazim, central and eastern European Jews and their descendants. Written in the Hebrew alphabet, it became one of the world’s most widespread languages, appearing in most countries with a Jewish population by the 19th century. Along with Hebrew and Aramaic, it is one of the three major literary languages of Jewish history.

Hebrew is a Northwest Semitic language within the Afroasiatic language family. It was natively spoken by the Israelites and remained in regular use as a spoken language by their longest-surviving descendants, the Jews and Samaritans, before dying out after 200 CE.

But if Semitics are Afro-Asiatic, then who else could those people be? Our language betrays our lies! Hebrew/Israeli people, then, are African!

This lesson is about self-awareness and truth for people of Afro-Asiatic descent.

It is about liberty from the lies we have been taught intended to further enslave us.

It is not about Caucasians, nor teaching hate for them that is predicated upon the atrocities they have and continue to commit against us! It’s about truth!

Again, if I hate anyone Caucasian or otherwise, I will burn in Hell. I will spend my eternity in torment! That’s not going to happen!

So, let’s not make the truth about Caucasians, but rather our emotional, intellectual, social, and most importantly, our spiritual healing and freedom!

I don’t hate Caucasian people! I hate sin! I don’t hate sinners! I hate their sin!

Just like my Father in Heaven! He doesn’t hate me, but he will not tolerate my sin!

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