Series: Pride of Life

"Your Pride Can Be Devastating"

December 05, 2021 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: 2 Chronicles 32:19-26

In the Bible we are warned to seek God for advice on all that we do so that we ensure that we please God and choose the best pathway.

Had Hezekiah sought God prior to parading others around his kingdom, he would have been warned that his riches and blessings would attract negative attention and results.


In this account of Israeli history though the people are eventually exposed to violence, danger, bloodshed, and slavery because of the pride displayed by the King. Israel also displayed some arrogance and pride as a people after Hezekiah’s Reign as they began to sacrifice offerings t false gods and move away from truly holiness.


Sometimes our pride can have catastrophic results for us and others! The truly

sad part is that, as is the cases in this account, the pride of one man devastated

the lives of others, rather than himself.

Hezekiah died prior to the destruction and enslavement of his people. He even made mention that such would at least not occur during his lifetime.

There are many forms of Pride:

Promotes the desire to be placed/considered above other

  • Pride of intellect
  • Pride of wealth
  • Pride of reverence
  • Pride of power
  • Pride of resourcefulness (influence)
  • Pride of attractiveness
  • Pride of knowledge
  • Pride of perfection/without error

Pride causes people to believe that they deserve the right to do things to or treat people in a manner in which they themselves refuse to be treated.

Why should I desire more of any of those things mentioned above? To what end and for what purpose?

Think Saints, is there anything godly about you thinking you get to do things you don’t want done to you? You should expect to receive exactly what you have done to others. That is what the Bible says is your right. That is what is coming to you!

We see that Hezekiah got arrogant in heart about all God did for him, rather than appreciative! This kindled God’s anger, because you have no right to behave in pride about anything, but least o all things that were given to you!

Your pride can destroy the lives of others:

  1. Your pride can cause someone to retaliate against you through loved ones.
  2. Your presence could be the reason someone else is placed in danger.
  3. What was meant for you can happen to someone else.

There is an old saying, “What goes up must come down!” We can’t be on top always, or in everything. Our time must come to an end.

In contract:

  • Humble people can/will accept that they have imperfection, but they would rather change it than to live pretending it doesn’t exist.
  • Humble people admit when they are wrong and accept correction.
  • Humility doesn’t need to be right all of the time and can be wrong even when it is right!
  • Example: Jesus died perfect, but he let other think they were right and call him wrong just to save our souls!


Which do you desire more:

  • Being right
  • Having peace and love in your life

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December 12, 2021

"Exposing Our Pride"

According to Rom 12:1-2, we are to present our bodies as a living...