Series: Peace In God

"The Prince Of Peace"

December 26, 2021 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Isaiah 9:6-7

Do you know the Prince of Peace?  Do you want to know the Prince of Peace?

Ever since sin entered the world, man’s life has been shortened and filled with discord.

If we investigate Genesis, the 1st and 2nd chapters you see Adam’s life without sin. You see the make-up of the existing world, the harmony we had with each other and animals prior to sin.

What would your life be like today without the influence and interference of sin? Would you know worry, pain, unrest, wrath, revenge? No! You would not.

In the conference between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, prior to our creation, it was recognized that man would fall to sin and destroy the world as God had intended it.

In the scripture, today we see that the prophecy of that plan was foretold.

Christ is:

Wonderful – because he is forgiving and selfless

Counsellor – because he hears our every cry and fills our needs

The Mighty God - because there is none like and nothing impossible for him

The Everlasting Father – because he is God eternal and creator of all things

The Prince of Peace – because he shoulders our sin, shame, burdens and blame, and gives us peace in return

One of his last promises to his disciples was that he would leave a comforter in the Holy Spirit that would bring his teachings back to our remembrance, and encourage, lead and guide us in all truth.

Peace comes when we learn to make the choice to rest in Christ Jesus and his promises for us.

So how does one do this:

  1. Admit that you are a sinner and imperfect
  2. Repent, or walk away from your sins
  3. Ask Christ to come into your heart
  4. Confess the Lord as savior and Lord
  5. Believe that God raised him from the dead with victory over the grave and sin
  6. Trust Christ Jesus with your burdens, choose to leave them with him
  7. Focus on God, his will, and hearing his voice

The Bible warns us that men ought to always pray, but not for the reasons that we think.

Prayer is about:

  • Anointing, about power
  • Covering, or protection
  • Faith and increased relationship
  • Focus on the Spiritual realm

When we lose sight of any one of these things, we are vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy!

Lose sight of faith, protection, anointing, or focus and doubt, worry, and fear creeps in to immobilize us!

But confidence in Christ Jesus translates to Peace, Power, and great Faith!


We all have an individual choice to make! Will I seek the things of this world? Things that cannot and will not satisfy. Will I spend my entire life chasing the illusive satisfaction of the carnal world leading me to my death naturally and spiritually, or will I seek after Christ?

Will I change my focus and seek after life more abundantly, which is only found in the peace provided by resting in Christ Jesus?

Choose life Saints, people, Children of the Most High God! Know the peace that Christ came to bring into the world.

Live in the peace God always had planned for you! We can go back to Eden, if we choose to leave the things of this world behind!

Come claim your Peace!!!!

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