"The 3 D's of Sin"

September 15, 2024 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: James 1:12-17


Sin constitutes an unfortunate, but major portion of our lives as human beings. The flesh lends itself to both personal struggles, as well as the effects of the hold of sin upon the lives of those around us.


If we wish to master sin and minimize its affects upon us, then we must pledge allegiance to the righteous God of our ancestors! Surrender Saints!


# D’s:

  • Distract 1v14
    • Some people are destroyed by distractions
  • Deter 1v15a
    • Some people must be both distracted and deterred to destroy them
  • Destroy 1v15b
    • Some people endure both by trusting in Yah, and other measures of destruction (i.e. Physical Methods) must be deployed

So, what is sin?

  1. transgression of divine law:
  2. any act regarded as such a transgression, especially a willful or deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle.
  3. any reprehensible or regrettable action, behavior, lapse, etc.; great fault or offense:

The goal of Satan and the world is to disconnect us from the actual act and repercussions of sin.

Prestidigitation: sleight of hand (Think of A Magic Trick)

If I can make you focus on the thing more than the actions you are taking, as well as the consequences you will fall to the act!

But what is sin actually? What do the definitions mean?

There is something which lurks within each of us that is attracted to sin!

  • Satan has studied us and knows our weaknesses
  • You cannot be enticed with something which doesn’t have a hold on you.
  • Therefore, Satan appeals to each of our Carnal Natures (Vices)


  1. Sin represents defiance or an act of rebellion
    1. Defying the natural purpose and use of one’s body
    2. Defying the purpose and use of procreation
    3. Defying the purpose and use of herbs and plants
    4. Defying the purpose and use of things
    5. Making things that have neither power, nor life into gods to worship
      1. Money, cars, houses, rocks
    6. Sin represents denying one’s self-respect
      1. Sin causes you to be distracted so that you aren’t aware of how far you are falling.
      2. Cease to value one’s life and being
        1. Being promiscuous dismisses your value and self-esteem.
        2. Using drugs denies your worth to yourself and others
      3. Sin represents loss of focus upon reality
        1. We become so indulged in sin that we cannot see the effects it is having upon our destruction.
        2. Entrapped in a world of lust and sin, we are oblivious to our downfall.
        3. Oftentimes we aren’t aware of our destruction until it is too late.

Read through Rom 1:20-32:

What are the 3 D’s: (Read Jam 12-17 again)

  • Distract
    • Trouble begins with the distraction of something we like taking our attention off God
    • Distractions deter us from moving forward by changing our focus to the negative
  • Deter
    • We are deterred when that object consumes our thoughts to the point of desire
    • Detering destroys us both spiritually and naturally by preventing us from attaining the goal of righteousness
  • Destroy
    • We are destroyed when the thought becomes an action that is all consuming, and which we cannot resist

Mark 11:21-23

21 And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away.

22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Ephesians 6 reminds us that we require the Whole Armor of God to be protected and prepared for Spiritual Warfare.

Are you ready?


We must be prepared for the tactics the enemy uses to defeat us, and we must remain locked into God’s Will and Spirit if we are to be victorious!

Let nothing separate you from the Love, Will, and protection of God!

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