"Hell Bound And Happy?"

September 22, 2024 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.

Passage: Romans 1:24-28


We live in a world filled with self-righteous and wicked behaviors. This country itself, once claimed to be “under God”, but has proven the god it was under wasn’t who they claimed it to be. The god of which they spoke was Satan.


Look at your life! Where would you like to find yourself at the end of time? If you wish to be with the true God, there is only one way! Yeshua!


The world, in general, seems to think that it doesn’t need Yah/God!

Satan is, indeed, winning in his war against humans’, people!

The vast majority of the world, including those in the “Church”, have become idolators!

Carnally minded people who walk not after he Spirit, but after their flesh!

The world is filled with:

  1. Pride
  2. Sexual Immorality
  3. Covetousness

1 John 2:15-17

15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

That is, until we need God:

  • We become terminally ill
  • We lose everything that we have
  • We lose our job
  • We lose our home
  • We get divorced
  • We lose loved ones
  • We become incapacitated
  • We are facing death in an accident
  • We are being accosted
  • We are being assaulted
  • We are in a situation no one on earth can change

We’re happy to continue indulging in sin up until the point where it destroys us!

It isn’t until the point where the same sin you enjoyed becomes the instrument of your destruction that you realize how bad it is!

Then, suddenly, we remember God! We need God! We find God!

So, when the chips are down, and we cannot rise on our own, we remember our Creator!

We want to find Prayer Warriors, Believers who know the word of prayer. People who know God personally!

Why? Why not simply take what is coming to you based upon the choices you have made?

Arrogance! The idea that Yah is supposed to help me regardless of how I have treated our relationship!

The belief that Yah somehow owes you something!

Remember that it is wise not to wait until you need God to want Him!

It was you that chose to:

  1. Kill
  2. Deceive
  3. Be sexual immoral
  4. Take advantage of situations, or people
  5. Use drugs or alcohol
  6. Walk in Pride and arrogance
  7. Abuse people

Some of us do these things thinking we will return to God one day before it is too late!

But when is too late? The Bible tells us that:

“No one knows the day nor the hour when the Son of Man shall return.”

This means none of us knows when Christ will call us home, end our lives, or part the skies in His Second Coming!

Deep down inside each of us we know that God is able to redeem us!

We know that God can cleanse us of all unrighteousness!

Some simply want to indulge as long as we can, just a little longer. One more again!

Psalm 95:7-9

7 For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. To day if ye will hear his voice,

8 Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness:

9 When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my work.


You have the opportunity today, this moment, right now to surrender to Yah!

Don’t let it be said too late!

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