"Are You Stuck IN Neutral?"
July 03, 2022 | Pastor Charles P. Akins, Sr.
Passage: Matthew 25:14-28
The world around us is, indeed, moving. Yet, it begs to question, in what direction? Are we moving forward, or backward? Sometimes we are in a period of transition, and in other times we are still. However, being still and being stagnant aren’t the same things.
The notion of moving forward denotes progress, so are you changing, or going backward? Are you progressing, regressing, standing still, or stagnant? With Christ in one’s life we should constantly be progressing, or being still. Even if not according to the world, in the Spirit we should be moving forward. Growing! Changing!
You see, sometimes we need to take a beat, stand still, and await further instructions from God! In this case, we have stopped for a reason, and with a specific purpose! Its again about relationship at this point, and hearing from God.
Are you standing still, or are you merely “Stuck In Neutral?” Do you feel as if you are going nowhere spiritually?
Stagnant: (of a body of water or the atmosphere of a confined space) having no current or flow and often having an unpleasant odor as a result.
There is a very unpleasant spiritual smell and sight associated with those who become naturally or spiritually stagnant. You see, if you have already habituated to it, you don’t see it. You might not notice the smell, or Aire you’re giving off, but others notice!
Habituate: to accustom (a person, the mind, etc.), as to a particular situation
In Matthew 5:13 the Word says:
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
Without the introduction of new water or air, a confined space cannot be rejuvenated. If no change or newness is introduced then, a person or situation is merely dead! All dead things smell after a short while, as does water, or air.
Everyone, please take a moment and smell yourself spiritually! Assess yourself using the Holy Spirit. Allow Him to speak to you regarding your spiritual condition.
Think about it, until the age that we physically stop growing we are moving forward! After that age we begin to go backward, as we are now dying! However, in the one stage there is constant growth, and in the other a gradual decline. As a result, we are moving toward life, or toward our death, but we are moving. When our tissue ceases to move forward or backward, we are officially dead! That is the state of being dead without life in the tissue to strengthen it to grow, or to make it decline. Once dead, it sits still, it decomposes. (Still with purpose) Even then we are yet moving toward the state of not being at all! The state when there will no longer be a physical trace of our existence!
Spiritual/Natural Stagnancy:
You may find yourself in an unending cycle of mundane daily activities coupled with the paralyzing fear of being stuck in a rut. Stagnation, simply put, is the lack of growth and development, or change. Even without a broad scale for measuring stagnation, there are signs to look for:
Signs of Spiritual Stagnancy: What does it look like in a person?
- Lingering procrastination or putting off making spiritual goals.
- Spiritual Inactivity (No growth/changes/gifts manifestation)
- Spiritually Lethargic – no motivation for deeper prayer life, fasting, etc
- Spiritually Immobile – not able to move forward, spiritual paralysis
- Spiritually Sluggish – movement is slow, unfocused, lacking drive
- Dormant/Idle - not trying to move forward, content in present state
Natural Results of Spiritual Stagnancy: You tend to Develop or reflect…
- Bad Attitude – stinking thinking
- Negative Nellie (Seeing things from a negative perspective)
- Easily angered – short fuse, everything sets you off
- No patience – patience comes from hope and trust in God
- Hopeless – hope comes from relationship with and trust in God
- No Peace – peace comes from humility of accepting God’s Control
- God is in control and not me, he will work it out
- Poor Behavior
- Sinful Attributes – return to sinful ways, or they never leave
- We must seek God for spiritual changes to occur
- Fornication
- Sinful Attributes – return to sinful ways, or they never leave
- Sexual Immorality
- Fighting verbally or physically
- Argumentative
- Manipulative – using or controlling people
- Generally Nasty Person
- Normally unkind – regularly poor disposition
- Lack love for others
- Lack desire to help others
- Lack compassion
- Lack of Witness
- Requires encouragement constantly
- Unable to encourage others
- Unwilling to encourage others
- No desire to pray, fast, or seek God for others
- Lack of Relationship w/ God
- Refuse to seek God – limited prayer life (seven days without prayer)
- Prayer is about requests for me!
- Prayer is not about change within me!
- Refuse to seek God – limited prayer life (seven days without prayer)
- Don’t ask God to reveal your short comings
- Don’t request more spiritual growth
- Don’t seek more spiritual growth (take actions resulting in)
- Have no spiritual goals or desires requested of God
- Place God on “Timetable” for completion of requests
- Don’t trust God’s Timing or Providence
- Don’t’ want to wait on God
- Not aware that changes in me are required first
- Not asking if changes are required within me first
Are you moving forward, or “Are You Stuck In Neutral?”
God desires life, love, vibrance, and hope within those he works with! A willingness to grow, and a desire to change are required!
If you have become stagnant, won’t you look deep within you and try to find your inner child!
Find your desire to grow, to change, to please and seek God Almighty!
Let the "Rivers of Living Waters" Jesus talked about in John 7:38 flow through your heart, mind, spirit, body, and soul yet again!
Won’t you come as a child would!! Come to Jesus today!!!!