Truth About Love!

Posted by Pastor Charles Akins on

The world today is truly Anti-Christ, and Anti-God! The agendas pushed in the media, state, and otherwise support ungodly lifestyles, and general hatred among people as Constitutional rights! However, the Christian is, in the same breath, told that they are not abiding by law when they speak against any of these agendas. John 3:16 tells us that God provided Christ as the only sufficient sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. We are warned that there is no other named under Heaven given unto men whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12). So then is it any wonder that when we speak out against abominations to God that we are attacked, and then called haters? They hate Christ, God, and naming the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We know, as Children of God that we must love. Any person who accepts the Word of God as true and decides to humble themselves before the Mighty hand of God and repent of their sins knows they don't have the option to hate! The Bible is clear that we cannot hate and claim to be of God (I John 3:10, 4:8). So, when we speak against atrocities that should not be, it is out of concern for the souls of those who are lost, and not out of hatred for them. The Bible is clear in I Cor 6:9-11 that hatred and alternate lifestyles, amongst many of sins, will keep us out of Heaven, and separated from God, unless we allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse us of them.

Love will help, protect, and attempt to correct! If I love you, I won't watch you drive off of a cliff, like a watchman on the wall, I will warn you of the impending danger. It is then up to you to heed my warning, or not!

So, the next time you seek to warn someone of the atrocities that will keep them from seeing God in peace, and like the Children of Israel in Jeremiah 6, they ignore your warning, thank God that you had the love and courage to attempt to help! That is true Love!!!! No condemnation, just a warning!!